Obama: Donald Trump’s Record ‘Needs to be Examined’ – IOTW Report

Obama: Donald Trump’s Record ‘Needs to be Examined’

He’s kidding, right?

NBC: President Barack Obama on Friday said presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has a “long record that needs to be examined” and insisted that the race for the White House is “not a reality show.”


“I think I just want to emphasize the degree to which we are in serious times and this is a really serious job. This is not entertainment, this is not a reality show. This is a contest for the presidency of the United States,” Obama told reporters in his first public comments about since Trump’s GOP rivals ended their presidential campaigns.

obama iran mission accomplished

Obama also said the media needs to play a role in vetting the candidates’ policies and not focus on the “circus.”


28 Comments on Obama: Donald Trump’s Record ‘Needs to be Examined’

  1. Dang, my MJA is back. Anybody catch the cnn interview with Mary Graham today when he declared he was probably voting for Hitlary? Then the hostess with the mostest informed him Dick Cheney just endorsed Trump and the little fag just looked like he got hit by a bus. Cheneys a patriot. Always has been. Grahams a fag. Fuck you bitch. Missed you MJA.

  2. President Barack Obama on Friday said … the White House is “not a reality show.”

    There hidden in what Zero-accomplishments said is a truth. No connection to reality over the past 7 + years.

  3. “This is a contest for the presidency of the United States”

    The moslem faggot talks like he won some kind of contest. Dick sucking contest maybe, but it sure didn’t have anything to do with a love for America.

    I think what he plans to do is to sic his FBI and IRS thugs on the Donald. They will have a truckload of files on Trump before the primaries get here, and the leftist media will have their orders to trash the hell out of him.

    As mentioned above, contrast that to what we knew about Barry Hussein at that point in his insertion into the political race; or even what we know about the traitorous bastard now.

    He can’t burn in hell soon enough.

  4. ……said the physical who parlously fails to heal himself.

    This would be a really great moment for Trump to repeat his 2012 request for Oblowme to release his college records.

    @old_oaks: HNIC, ROTFLMFAO!

  5. From the POS that actually allowed video of him to be released showing him prancing in front of a mirror, practicing that ear to ear, shit eating grin and taking pictures of himself with a selfie stick?

    From the POS that has played over 200 rounds of golf?

    From the POS that that annually takes more vaca days than any president in history and uses AF1 like his personal golf cart?

    From the POS that really and truly is unashamed to have a “body servant”?

    I could use the next hour writing these but I gotta get to the gym.

  6. No JohnS That’s not what being said here. You are indeed obtuse, but on purpose. You are acting like a fucking big prick. And I, for one, am sick and tired of it. No, damn it we do not want Trump to get a pass like BHO did. He is not getting a pass. We know all about him; where he was born, where he went to school, who he fucked, what he wore, who he dated, what he bought, what he built. We know everything about the man and there is more to come. You watch, we’ll be getting dirt up the gazoo about him from you and your vermin on the left.
    We still know sweet fuck all about your BHO. GFY. Over and Out.

  7. He’s such a narcissist, he can’t stop talking about himself and projecting, even when attempting to criticize someone else. Don’t be surprised if Barry tries to enact Martial law, just to stay president a while longer. He hates not being the center of attention.

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