Obama Foundation seeks a ‘diversity consultant’ – IOTW Report

Obama Foundation seeks a ‘diversity consultant’

American Thinker: Evidently, systemic racism (or “white privilege” or whatever) is so pervasive that the closet racism of the Obama Foundation needs a corrective force. How else to explain this “Request for Proposals” for a diversity consultant.


So, it seems that without a special executive focused on nothing but racial (and sexual and ?) bean counting, the wrong people (this means you, heterosexual white males!) might receive contracts based on price and quality, as if these were the only important factors.

In a PR release, the Obama Foundation reveals its “ambitious” goals for preferences: MORE

15 Comments on Obama Foundation seeks a ‘diversity consultant’

  1. Society is so frustrated at the backsliding of African Americans, that they need to pull whitey down into the sewer too, in order to make it “fair.”

    You’ll notice the more these people fail at life: inter-breeding, killing each other, drug abuse, over-represented in prison etc, the more desperately they attack whitey.

    What’s next? Human sacrifice of white people to appease the gods?

  2. Looking for a black, muslim, disabled, transgender, pervert, veteran with Union (mob) connections and a formerly convicted corrupt community organizer.
    This being Chicago, there will be a long list of qualified applicants.

    Watch the selection process.
    As former Governor and now prisoner, Blagojevich, stated, “I ain’t giving it away, this is Golden.”

  3. I give it three weeks after the ribbon-cutting for the first homicide at the Obama Library and Pretrial Detention Centre, and three weeks after that for the first rap video. What a hulking monstrosity, destined to be filled with people who do nothing except attend Diversity Events.

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