Obama Freed The Taliban Leader Who Engineered Kabul Takeover – IOTW Report

Obama Freed The Taliban Leader Who Engineered Kabul Takeover


Former President Barack Obama didn’t listen to Pentagon officials when they told him Taliban mullah Khairullah Khairkhwa was too dangerous to release. Instead, he freed the group that came to be known as the ‘Gitmo five’ — Khairkhwa alongside four of his buddies — from the Guantanamo Bay prison in 2014 in exchange for a U.S. soldier who deserted his post.

Obama all but guaranteed that Khairkhwa and the four other men would be sent to Qatar, where their movements would be restricted and where they could do no harm. As it turns out, the Taliban isn’t as trustworthy as the former president thought.

Now, Khairkhwa has resurfaced as one of the masterminds behind the Taliban’s takeover of Kabul, the New York Post reported Tuesday. more here

22 Comments on Obama Freed The Taliban Leader Who Engineered Kabul Takeover

  1. When you install an anti-American fake preznit, these are the things you should expect.

    If chimpy W and biden shitpants* are not a party to this treason, then they are too stupid for words.

  2. The stupid people aren’t Obama and Biden for releasing dangerous terrorists; they knew what they were doing. The stupid people are the folks who vote for politicians like Obama and Biden despite the overwhelming evidence they hate America.

  3. Joe orders everybody to burn the American flags so they don’t make the savages mad.
    How long before the savages start chopping heads off on the American contractors that were left behind? And will Slow Joe send a strongly worded letter.
    Why do the thousands of contractors have to fill out paperwork before they can leave but they’re flying thousands of refugees out no papers no problem?

  4. A person lacks discernment when they do not seek the truth. Then when you get in bed with the devil whether knowingly or unknowingly you will reap the whirlwind. Doesn’t matter if you’re a politician, commander, soldier, defense contractor, aid worker, etc. The karma of this war is just beginning.

  5. Didn’t 0 make a statement along the lines of: this is a continuance of my presidency using my staff in the background?

    Asking for a friend who was shocked by the latest developments

  6. And all we got in exchange was the deserter and traitor Bo Bergdahl. I don’t call that a fair trade. But what else would I expect from a Muslim chickenshit presidunce like obummer. The blood of the Afghan people to be killed in the Afghani killing fields by the Taliban is on barry’s hands. What a traitorous POS and his braindead successor joey.

  7. If it had been any other war since Korea and World War 2 Bo Bergdahl would’ve been executed by firing squad for desertion and the Taliban leader summarily executed for being an enemy agent. We don’t treat bad guys the way we used to do and hold them accountable anymore which is too bad because they both should’ve been executed.

  8. Ah Yesssss
    Barry Sotero the “Magic Negro”
    Born in Canada after mother renounced US citizenship
    Son of Frank Marshall Davis
    Snuck back into Washington state and claimed born in Hawaii
    Groomed by the Democrat machine in Illinois (Obama Who???)
    married to Michael LaVaughn Robinson
    Rented 2 children
    Carefully selected Joe as VP
    Still running the USA via weekly calls to Biden’s basement
    Practicing Muslim, Honorary Member of Taliban
    and of course…. It’s all Trumps fault


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