Obama: Gay Rights Are Civil Rights and Illegal Aliens are Patriots. Hope You Had a Happy 4th of July – IOTW Report

Obama: Gay Rights Are Civil Rights and Illegal Aliens are Patriots. Hope You Had a Happy 4th of July

JFA: Barack Obama has taken this nation to a whole new series of lows.  This last week was bad, but I’m pretty sure he’ll do worse before he leaves office next January.

Last week Our president declared a gay bar in New York City to be a national monument. In his mind, I guess it’s like George Washington’s birthplace, the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad, Little Bighorn, or the Statue of Liberty.

He compared the bar’s patrons to patriots who made this nation great. “Farmers and blacksmiths who chose revolution over tyranny. Immigrants who crossed oceans and the Rio Grande.” He went on with several more comparisons but enough is enough.  more

7 Comments on Obama: Gay Rights Are Civil Rights and Illegal Aliens are Patriots. Hope You Had a Happy 4th of July

  1. Ass, the more I see of this mess these assholes have made of our government the more I dream of going off grid and fetching wood and carrying water until the end arrives

  2. and the Liberaltardians all lean back and slap their flippers together in applause, for Man-given rights are now equal to G-d-given rights.
    be sure to expect to enjoy your now flaming 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, etc. “rights.”

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