Obama Gives Turkey Green Light to Bomb Former US Soldiers Fighting ISIS – IOTW Report

Obama Gives Turkey Green Light to Bomb Former US Soldiers Fighting ISIS

Forty to fifty Americans are fighting with Kurdish forces against ISIS–


15 Comments on Obama Gives Turkey Green Light to Bomb Former US Soldiers Fighting ISIS

  1. We, as Americans, have been enduring this asshole president since January 2009; and it’s been bad, but nothing compared to what’s coming from the treasonous homosexual Muslim in the future.

    Now, we can either pray for Obama’s safety or we can end his rein of terror and defeat evil at the doorstep.

    I, for one, will not pray for the safety of evil (sorry Miss Barnhardt, but I think you’re misguided on this subject regarding this man). I will not pray for the safety of someone willing to destroy me and my countrymen because I’m afraid that the elimination of said person may bring about the apocalypse.

  2. obama has funded and armed isis who in turn have killed many US and allied military personnel. Authorizing his muslim buddy,Turkey, to kill Americans and Kurds is nothing new for this muslim, anti-christian POS leader of the free world.

    I’ll never pray for evil.
    The Lord’s Will be Done.
    I believe the Lord and I agree on what needs to be done next, but being an impatient sort, I’d like Him to move quickly.
    I’m praying and waiting for Him to give us a real Christian leader of the free world. He’ll move, at the right time, for the right reason.
    Maranatha !

  3. I don’t pray for his safety, I pray for his salvation. That way, when God opens his eyes to the Truth, he will spill the beans on all the evil he and his handlers (and ValJar) have, are and will do.

    Then I ask God – if he knows that Obama will not be repentant – that God just take him out. Then I add, please take him out in such a way that it’s Obama’s own fault (the slims) or everyone knows it was God (lightening strike).

  4. The thing to remember is to keep the faith that ALL things are for the glory of God.

    Even the things we see as pure evil. The role it plays in the overall scheme, works to God’s favor.

    Being thankful for it seems counter productive at first blush, but having faith that it works for God is what I hear in the Word.

    One take on it of mine:
    I know that evil has awakened many a people, that were asleep, to fight the good fight. If everything was vanilla, there would be little need to seek God.

    Heaven isn’t going to be forged by us on Earth. This is the crucible. Without evil, I may not have seen there were sides or have picked a side at all.

    Evil gives our “faith muscles” a workout.

  5. ‘I know that evil has awakened many a people, that were asleep, to fight the good fight.’

    Kind of like how a lot of people realize how conservative they really are when a Marxist/socialist gets elected to President.

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