Obama Has Not Finalized Post-Presidential Plans – IOTW Report

Obama Has Not Finalized Post-Presidential Plans

obama the end is near

OAN- WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama has made no final decisions about what he will do after leaving office, the White House said on Monday, following comments by Columbia University’s president that he looked forward to welcoming Obama back to campus in 2017.


As long as we’re speculating, what do you think Obama will do?

46 Comments on Obama Has Not Finalized Post-Presidential Plans

  1. This is not hard to figure out. From the time he leaves office (and I’m not totally convinced he’ll leave) until forever after that he will remain the defacto President of the United States as appointed by the media. They’ll run to him at every turn, he’ll never leave the national stage and it’ll be Barack Hussein Obama 24/7 until we all take our own lives.

  2. I don’t really know, but I hope he’s so depressed that he does away with himself. After the Moose, the girls, Axlerod, ValJar, Ayers, DWS, Josh Earnest, Bob Gibbs, Jay Carney, Marie Harf, … &c.

  3. I really hope you are wrong but afraid you are closer to the truth that many of us want to contemplate. Unlike Bush who the media has ignored post presidency unless it paints him in a bad light,
    the media will continue to fawn over him and let us know far more than anyone wants to know. He and the mooch will be like the kardashians. The hope is that someone will develop a filter
    that strains out any reference in the media to anyone to do with his admin, well unless they are going to report prison time.

  4. Whatever song and dance the media may give, whatever “role” he may play, I believe this little man will forever more be seen as a cautionary tale. I believe his “presence” will diminish quickly, much more quickly than he expects.

    I think the efforts of this administration over the past seven years have pushed this country to (and maybe beyond) the tipping point, both financially (debt debt and more debt) and social (“police acted stupidly”, “If I had a son, he might look like Trayvon”). We have a chance in 2016 to begin doing the hard work of reviving the country. And make no mistake, any progress will be met with screams and howls from those accustom to being perpetually fawned over. If, and it is a big if, President Cruz (my pick) can rally the hard working, the honest, those who look to themselves first for responsibility, the country has a shot at a comeback.

    In such a case, little man barrack will be seen as a cautionary tale of what almost happened, and increasingly ignored.

    On the downside, if the revival fails, the country splinters and all our rights and gains are washed away in a massive wave of trigger warnings and “income equality”, the teleprompter in chief will be also be seen as a cautionary tale, though through a much darker lens. As such, I expect (and hope) to see less and less of him as the days pass.

    Also, I’d like to see someone, Game-of-Thrones-style, walking behind him the rest of his days chanting, “Shame, shame, shame”

  5. 1) I can say with certainty I’ll be throwing a party.
    2) And to O, How about back to the golf course? I’ll bring a nerf dart set, you wear the target, and on the darts I’ll list all the reasons why you suck pig?

  6. Yep. Remember when he was just elected president but still hadn’t taken office and everywhere he went he had that bogus seal of the office of the president-elect? When he leaves office he’ll have the bogus seal of president Obama at every place he goes and talk as if he IS the president. That’s my prediction.

  7. No, but if he decides his future is to be head of the UN, then for sure let’s be on the lookout for the Rapture (and those who are left behind, go choose the stylish version of 666 you’d like on your forehead).

  8. oaksmiles Is close to the truth.

    1. Until he leaves office (if he does), he will be working hard (actually, his minions in the alphabet agencies will be working), ValJar and her masters will be executing their long-laid plans via Obama’s pen and phone, Soros will double the payment to all his groups (BLM, SJW [or Social Justice Bullies]), etc. to cause as much damage as they can.

    2. If the Ds or GOPe win the election, nothing changes and Obama will continue his already-in-progress plans to lead the UN. The new president will then turn over U.S. sovereignty to the UN.

    3. If a conservative wins the election, he will still try to become head of the UN. As he tries to make that happen, he will try to stay relevant by using the media and all of Soros’ money and groups. This will not succeed because the President will inspire the conservatives (and even any Ds left that still possess their souls) to kick out Boehner and McConnell and install conservatives to take over. They will approve anything that the President wants – reversing all of Obama’s illegal actions, disbanding many of the alphabet agencies and neutering the rest, build the wall and deport illegal aliens as they are discovered (and declaring that the 14th Amendment says what it says [no anchor babies]), etc.

    Thus will end the pall over America as Obama slinks into oblivion because the truth of his hatred of America and his (and those who engineered his rise to power) becomes known because his hold over people-in-the-know ended and they have been singing like canaries ever since.

    The MSM will be shamed into silence. Soros will continue to fund his groups, but they will become non-existent as the police are allowed to shoot to kill. Schools will be rehabilitated as the unions are kicked to the curb because control will be given back to the states. Also, other unions will be de-fanged because all states will become Right-to-Work and membership will plummet. The VA will be turned upside-down as Veterans will be running all facets of the VA.

    There is more, but I’ve said enough!

  9. Won’t some fine billionaires step up (Hey, I’m talking to you, Koch boys) and fund Barky’s personal participation in the one-way Mars colonization project? He just might fall for it. Mars is the “Red Planet” after all.

  10. At one time there were rumors going around that Barry wanted to be Secretary General of the UN after his Presidency. He’s arrogant enough to believe he’s entitled to that post, and when he gets it that would be an excellent time to expel the UN to Brussels where it belongs.

  11. Soros will continue to fund his groups, but they will become non-existent as the police are allowed to shoot to kill.

    I was with you up until there. Shame on you. There’s a role for police, or more specifically, private protection services, but fooling them into believing they can get away with “shoot to kill” behavior does no one, nor any good institution, any favors. Absent due process with fully-informed jury verdicts, killing people will have the primary effect of eliminating the police/protection service people. They will virtually all either be killed or resign.

  12. Not finalized? Really! I call BS.

    He plans on continuing to do what he has been doing. Destroying the USA, the UK and Israel in particular. And any western culture country in general. And continue advancing the cause of traditional Islam.

    I’d like for him to just go away, but he will linger like a dead fish in the heating ducts.

  13. “Columbia University’s president that he looked forward to welcoming Obama back to campus in 2017”

    “back” hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    Hint to Barky: He’s looking for some “alumni” quag to continue keeping your secret. Don’t be cheap.

  14. Barry and the leftist scourge plan on continuing “Operation No Privilege” and Obama will be de facto president if the left wins in 2016.
    America has a choice of two paths as described in the following scripture;

    Proverbs 29:2 (KJV)
    When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.

    Does America have enough will to choose a righteous leader or keep wallowing in misery. We’ll find out 2016.

  15. Yeah, I guess you’re right. I was thinking more military and we definitely don’t want that.

    I don’t have an answer to how to remedy this other than stopping PC from interfering with the apprehension and prosecution of criminals.

  16. My hope/expectation is that individual people, when threatened, will take appropriate action to eliminate the threat.

    I’ve always maintained that the perfect application of the death penalty is for the intended victims to kill their attackers at the time of the attack. Any institutionalization of that concept opens Pandora’s Box.

  17. Oh, and just to clarify, I meant shoot to kill when they are being shot at. I didn’t mean that they should shoot to kill indiscriminately.

    They should not have to worry about being targeted by the public or prosecutors. The moment they hesitate because of what has been happening to the police in the last year for protecting themselves, that’s when they will die.

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