Breitbart:President Barack Obama says he’s being “forced out” of the Oval Office, not quitting, as he faces the end of his presidency.
Obama was asked about the future of his golf game by the Golf Channel’s David Feherty in an interview that took place just before he played his 300th game as president.
“I’m not a hack, but I’m not quitting my day job,” he explained. more

Being forced out? After 8 years, his two terms are finished. He doesn’t get a third. Besides, the bastard has spent more time on the golf course, on vacation, and on apology tours, than in the Oval Office.
Fuck him sideways, the traitorous prick.
If he tries to refuse giving up the WH then it will be time for the Secret Service to do the right thing and remove his ass permanently…if they will not, let the military. No way will America let this traitor stay another day.
After he is done being “POTUS” he won’t have time to play golf.
this incompetent buffoon has gotten away with so much that he thinks he can say anything at all and get away with it, of course enabled by moronic zombies and the msm
he defines delusional, he is napoleon in rags
The bastard will never quit hating and trying to destroy America. Barry will be spewing his hatred for the constitution all the way to hell.
Still think it wasn’t right to Impeach this miserable JACKASS ?!?
(Hope that every GOP bureaucrat’s salary, undeserved for the last 8 years, is spent triple for medical bills in their future.)
The delusional fool never did serve, according to the constitutional oath, as President of the United States but did serve however as president of the Hate America First Club and titular head of the terrorist Democrat Party Apparatus!
I hear that the golf course in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle is nice most of the year – gotta watch out for the water hazard, however.
It’s not uncommon for golfers to get struck by lightning.
Under a Congress that took their oath seriously he would have been impeached.
Thanks to pelosi, boehner, ryan, reid, mcconnel, the Rinos and democrat partisan hacks.
Being ‘forced out’ is what he tells Michelle.
Off Topic
Did anyone else enjoy the film,
“They Shoot Horses, Don’t They?”?
Yes, I really, really mean off topic.
Really I do.
I mean it.
In his mind it is being ‘forced out’ which is why he plans to live in DC so he can continue to ensure all his destruction is kept in place and the progressive train keeps on chugging down the road.
If we had our way, you woulda been “forced” out a long time ago.
He doesn’t feel that boot in his ass, does he?
I guess he’ll just have to have someone take Banlon Moon or whatever his name is out of his UN gig so he can be elected Secretary General and together with Mooch (and Valjar pulling the strings) do for the world what they did for us. Oh and if that ever should happen, I’m going to stock up on pendants and charms with “666” on them to sell to his flock before the Rapture hits–just sayin’.
I took it as a joke initially. A play on humor. If it were anyone else, I might have kept thinking it was. But it the socialist in chief, so……
@Czar, Yeah especially the end of the flick.
You were forced IN! – The affirmative action president.
……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
……….”…\………. _.·´
The Fresh Prince of Bill Ayers
Chairman Bow
The Littlest Organizer
President Chaos
the occupant of the White House
Sir Golfsalot
The First Novelty President™
the Golfer in Chief
Car salesman-in-chief
The affirmative action president
President Grifter
King Putt
The potempkin president
President Downgrade
Baraq Husinsane bin Ubama
The Miscreant-in-Chief
The Chocolate Satan in the People’s House
President Solyndra
The black narcissus
President Peace Prize
The Chameleon-in-chief
Barack “Kenya Believe It” Obama
Oh, did I mention that he is a f-ing, lying, liar who lies?
The Hawaiian Allende
The Unicorn Rider
Malcolm O
The Wizard of Uhhs
Buhhrack Uhhbuhhmuhh
Sir Blames-a-lot
TBMOTUS – token black man of the United States
SHOTUS – Skeet hunter of the United States
President Stompyfoot
Affirmative Action Hero
The Thief Executive
Long Legged Mack Daddy
Can you think of any more?
I still say he isn’t leaving. I won’t put forth the scenario I believe will facilitate him staying, it could be a number of things as this 8 year episode of the Twilight Zone has demonstrated.
I truly believe he would like to stay there forever.
He’s never had it so good.
And, as a narcissist, all the percs…travel, exemplary accommodation, golf, SS protection, etc. etc. are beyond the wildest dreams of a little orphan kid from Kenya.
Nope…probably one of the rare times he’s being truthful.
He’s being forced out.
And it’s the day so many loyal Americans have been waiting for. I hope he doesn’t let the door hit him on the way out of the White House, it might mess up the paint job done by “slaves”.
The Founding Fathers anticipated Barry, a jacked up despot would be a U.S. president one day. They thought that the people of this nation would have the will to oust an unconstitutional troll like Barry – but, DO WE?
Congress has done nothing to stop Barry for 8 years and most Americans are more interested in navel gazing than in getting rid of a corrupt president. If he wants to be president for life, who will stop him?
I pray it’s not too late. By God’s grace and mercy we must turn back to our origin, established two hundred and forty years ago.
Dude, you aren’t being ‘forced out’. You made a contract willingly and you knew the terms. Try to be a big boy, accept the consequences of your actions and move on.
The sodomite ghetto thug.
what BS. read it in context and he’s simply making small talk that includes acknowledging his term limit. he’s ready, willing, and more able than either hillary or especially donald j. his popularity is at 54% and he wuld beat donald j. in a landslide. americans would love to see president obama stay on.
the headline is a perfect example of right wing spin to portray the president as an evil supervillain. well, let’s say he is and it’s awesome how he’s made monkeys of all the right wing extremist obstructionists and those who would rather see the country fail than do something like fund the CDC with money for the fight against zika. party before country right down the line.
But Obama hasn’t cared about this. His deportation policy has long been an attempt to fend off frequent, completely unsubstantiated claims from the Republican right that he is a traitor with a secret agenda of destroying America. When in ture you are a bunch of stupid racist cunts can’t stand seeing a black man as President. that’s a fact.
racist! my, thats go take a bath
“I think at this point it must be psychological,” Obama said.
The rest of us have thought that all along, just not about golf, specifically.
WTF happened to the thumbs-down button? 😛
The boy should have been President for life… like #35.
I bet most people around here would have happily voted for West, or Sowell, or many other men. Your posit,Questionman, that this place is full of racist cunts doesn’t hold water.
Was that John S?
What an insufferable son of a bitch. Speaking of a bitch, why didn’t his mommy have a back-alley abortion?
What race are you referring to Questionman? Your master 0bama is half white, you racist prick.
This all makes perfect sense. His time in office is CONSTITUTIONALLY limited.
And we all know how highly he regards our Constitution.