Obama: ‘Imagine What My Approval Rating Would Be’ if Media ‘Worked for Me’ – IOTW Report

Obama: ‘Imagine What My Approval Rating Would Be’ if Media ‘Worked for Me’

MRC: “I’d be doing really well” if “I was writing their stories,” Pres. Obama said while asking his audience to imagine how popular he’d be if the media worked for him.

Speaking at a fundraiser in New York, Obama tried to tie Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump to Russian President Vladimir Putin who is popular because he controls “all media in his country”:

“You have a nominee of a major party that shows no awareness of just basic, rudimentary domestic or foreign policy. Advertises his ignorance every day.  Who proclaims his role model for leadership is Vladimir Putin.  Think about that.

“This is the party that extolls freedom and America and the flag and Ronald Reagan, and whose main criticism of me lately has been my tyrannical abuse of power — that I’m trying to take away their guns, and I’m filing executive actions, and I’m circumventing the Constitution.  And we’re going to nominate the guy who actively promotes and admires a guy who jails dissidents and controls all state media — all media in his country, and hence has an 82 percent approval rating.”

Obama then invited his audience to just “imagine” how high his approval rating would be if U.S. media worked for him and he got to write their talking points:

23 Comments on Obama: ‘Imagine What My Approval Rating Would Be’ if Media ‘Worked for Me’

  1. More like, what would your rating be if the media even reported 40% of what you and your ilk do asshole. I challenge Obama or Hillary to live though ONE week of the reporting Trump or any other Republican threatening them suffers. What should terrify them, Trump did this without the assistance of the media and hence they can’t take him down. They didn’t make him but they made Obama.

  2. Imagine if we were in recovery summer #8 (in a row) with the media covering for an administration telling the populace how great the economy is and how much better it’s going to be after just one more summer.

    Oh, wait. we don’t have to imagine.

  3. @Anonymous — So true. Pathetic that the online LA Times today is reporting on how Trump has changed “campaign language”, saying that he’s coined such words as “bigly.” Idiots. He’s saying “Big league.”

    It’s all they got.

  4. Irony: Saying that and being hated because the media DOES work for him.

    I would say clueless jackass is clueless jackass, but he knows he’s lying and spewing bullshit to deny the truth that DESPITE the media being his biggest fan and working overtime for him – people can still see right through him and his evil ways.

  5. You got elected twice because the media worked for you.

    You’ve gotten to play golf while Americans died because the media worked for you.

    Your ungrateful wife got to travel the world on our dime because the media worked for you.

    Go to hell you son of a bitch.

  6. I guess he doesn’t realize media trust is at an all time low. Lots of people KNOW the media works for him, hence both are poorly rated.

    I used to think he was only malicious, but I’m beginning to put more chips in the “he’s also stupid” stack.

  7. @JustAl

    There is a reason you won’t ever see a copy of his college transcript.

    I figured out the “celebral” BHO in 2009. The marine corpseman(sic) and Austrian language were just mild confirmation.

    The delusional stupity, coupled with mental patholigies of this man, are breathtaking.

    Trump/Pence 2016

  8. “Obama: ‘Imagine What My Approval Rating Would Be’ if Media ‘Worked for Me’”

    I just read that to DH and he laughed and said “That fucker has them in his back pocket.” I knew when I came here this morning I’d get a laugh.

  9. Because of Obopotoad, MSM, and NWO, the country lays next to total destruction. I am waiting for someone to find that snake head Soros and finish cutting it off. Once that POS is gone and his assets all seized, the NWO will die, and with that, the leftists traitors to our nation.

  10. “that I’m trying to take away their guns, and I’m filing executive actions, and I’m circumventing the Constitution.”

    It’s obvious to you that we have you figured out asshole.

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