Obama Interferes With French Election – Throws Weight of His Bony Frame Towards Macron – IOTW Report

Obama Interferes With French Election – Throws Weight of His Bony Frame Towards Macron


BARACK OBAMA has made a last-minute intervention in the French presidential election as Emmanuel Macron faces Marine Le Pen in the final round of voting.

…former American president  has attempted to influence the result of the French election.

“I’m not planning to get involved in many elections now that I do not have to run for office again.

“But the French election is very important to the future of France and the values that we care so much about.

“The success of matters to the entire world.

“[Mr Macron] has stood up for liberal values. He put forward a vision for the important role that France plays in Europe and around the world.”


20 Comments on Obama Interferes With French Election – Throws Weight of His Bony Frame Towards Macron

  1. Interpol should immediately investigate Obama for election tampering in harmony with the Russians, ISIS, the former mayor of Baltimore, the former mayor of Detroit (oops! I think Kwami is still in prison)

  2. He’s hoping the faraway French may not have heard he’s no longer President.

    Now he’s free to finally visit all 57 states.

    And learn the Austrian language.

    Trump should cut his SS detail back to just that Denver SAIC Pussyhat chick that posted that Trump was “#notmypresident”.
    Maybe she’ll be more disposed to take a bullet for #StillMyPresident Obola.
    And soon.

  3. our disgraced ex-President, the Filthy Mohammedan Savage, is hoping that France will remain a nation of cheese-eating surrender monkeys.

  4. @Rufus T Firefly

    And then maybe he could go to Auschwitz and see the statue that was erected to honor his uncle, who of course liberated the place by himself

  5. We know if France goes Liberal, the Muslims are in and France is just another ruined shit hole. The rest of Europe could easily go with it & Obama has been working on this since day one. Asshole !

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