Obama is President According to Nancy Pelosi – IOTW Report

Obama is President According to Nancy Pelosi

17 Comments on Obama is President According to Nancy Pelosi

  1. This is news, anyone who think biden is calling the shots as potus is a nutter.
    We know biden didn’t win in 2020.
    We’ve thought biden was a obama puppet with is hand up his ass.
    Only obama would burn america to the ground and let joe take the blame, he’s admitted it.

  2. Meanwhile: Talk of dishonorable discharge for anyone who refuses the jab. Lots of service members including SF and Seals resigning. The gutting of our military is proceeding apace. And China is preparing for war. I wonder if they will telephone Milley before a surprise attack?

  3. As if we didn’t already know that.
    Barry talked about it in an interview last year.
    Big egos like his can’t keep their mouths shut.

    By the way, did you see the video of he and Shelly and company doing the fake groundbreaking for his ego temple?
    Holy Cow!! She has gotten HUUUGGE!!!!
    And she’s wrapped in gold colored curtains.

  4. good grief people think
    obutthole a mastermind in the game of world chess? LOLOL

    everyone knows oblowme was under valjar’s thumb, the question is, who is/was she taking orders from?


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