Obama Judge Tramples 1st Amendment to Rescue PP – IOTW Report

Obama Judge Tramples 1st Amendment to Rescue PP

The National Abortion Federation found a sympathetic judge yesterday who put a temporary restraining order on the Center for Medical Progress from releasing any more videos featuring Planned Parenthood employees.



 The justification for this order was that the videos were going to incite someone to murder the abortionist. 


The San Francisco judge is an Obama bundler and appointee. Here is more information on Judge Orrick. 


13 Comments on Obama Judge Tramples 1st Amendment to Rescue PP

  1. The restraining orders shouldn’t last the challenge on 1st amendment grounds and the right of the public to know what is in those videos.

    As the restraining order is fought, more attention will be focused on PP and curiosity will build over what could be on the remaining videos that these organizations are trying so desperately to defend themselves from.

    I think libs will try to use the temporary pause to shore up Dem Senators to not defund them. Those Senators had better look out for themselves when those videos finally are made public and they get left taking the blame for not defunding PP.

  2. How are these videos any different from the run-of-the-mill consumer advocate stuff that every local TV channel does when looking into shady small businesses?

    How does a judge get off saying that the practice of using a hidden camera is suddenly wrong just because it’s managed to catch a huge national disgrace instead of a slightly crooked tire salesman in Wichita?

  3. The justification for this order was that the videos were going to incite someone to murder the abortionist.

    But can that be turned into a positive if the abortionist is then chopped up and sold as parts?

  4. It’s called “Judge Shopping.” They are doing it in Baltimore right now. It’s supposed to be illegal, or, at least unethical. But no matter. Remember years ago when lawyers were forbidden to advertise on TV or Magazines? Now they do. “If you fall or slip. call Fukum,Dikum,and Dunkum.” “You only pay if we win.”

    Soon you’ll have judges ads on TV.. “If you have a good case of sexual harassment, contact my office and get on my calender..”
    Call Jonathon Swift.

  5. And just think how barry has appointed nearly half of all new feral judges all across America – that MFr will have the private sector paying more than just money for decades.

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