Obama Just Encouraged Voter Fraud On TV!!!! – IOTW Report

Obama Just Encouraged Voter Fraud On TV!!!!

He is indeed HISTORIC!!!

Never before has a president encouraged illegal voting.

ht/ hw

10 Comments on Obama Just Encouraged Voter Fraud On TV!!!!

  1. More proof that Jeramiah Wright´s “God-Damn-America”-hating, treasury-looting, economy-wrecking, healthcare-destroying, backstabbing, stone-walling, wildly spending, dope-smoking, Peace Prize-Stealing, monument-Barrycading, process-circumventing, Benghazi bullshitting, Constitution-stomping, scrawny, little, momjeans-wearing, shame gland missing, stair-prancing, Gay-obsessed, sheet-grabbing, pillow-biting, Communist Organizing, traitorous, phoney-baloney plastic-banana republic, Miserable Marxist Muzlim Shitpickle is doing everthing he can to weaken America any way possible!
    I can see Venezuela from my house!
    Make America Great Again!

  2. If it wasn’t for voter fraud, the Demonrats wouldn’t have a snowball’s chance in Hell – and they know it.
    This is why the DoJ has been fighting the States these past 8 years – to facilitate voter fraud and abuse. ACORN is neither dead nor forgotten – they are still getting tax dollars to make voter fraud possible – encouraged.

    We sleepwalk between elections while those who thrive on evil work furiously to undermine every decent thing on Earth.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I hope Trump will consider this suggestion: When sworn into office, Trump will check out the legality of saving tax dollars by removing the Secret Service coverages of all ex Presidents and their snowflakes (ValJar) effective immediately. They have profiteered enough to pay for their own security guards.

  4. Mexico doesn’t allow non-Mexicans to vote in their elections.

    Mexico doesn’t allow non-Mexicans to go to Mexican public schools free of charge.

    Mexico doesn’t provide free health care to even Mexican citizens, much less non-Mexicans.

    Mexico protects its borders from illegal immigrant incursion.

    Mexico has voter ID and doesn’t allow nor encourage non-citizens to vote in their elections.

    Mexico has an official national language and does not print off government material in multiple languages for the convenience of people in their country illegally to begin with.

    Mexico doesn’t let people in their country illegally attend their university systems.

    Apparently, Mexico is an actual country, while the US is not.

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