Obama Knowingly Funded Designated Al-Qaeda Affiliate – IOTW Report

Obama Knowingly Funded Designated Al-Qaeda Affiliate

Lock HER up! And I mean Obama.


A new report released on Wednesday revealed that the Obama administration knowingly provided an Islamic terrorist-financing organization with hundreds of thousands of dollars despite the fact that the group had been designated as a terrorist-financing organization for a decade by the U.S. government.

Obama officials approved the release of well over $100,000 even after they were informed that the Khartoum-based Islamic Relief Agency (ISRA) was affiliated with Osama bin Laden and Maktab al-Khidamat (MK), which eventually became al-Qaeda.

ISRA, also referred to as the Islamic African Relief Agency (IARA), received a $200,000 taxpayer-funded grant from the Obama administration, which released at least $115,000 to the terrorist-financing organization. National Review reports:

According to the U.S. Treasury, in 1997 ISRA established formal cooperation with MK. By 2000, ISRA had raised $5 million for bin Laden’s group. The Treasury Department notes that ISRA officials even sought to help “relocate [bin Laden] to secure safe harbor for him.” It further reports that ISRA raised funds in 2003 in Western Europe specifically earmarked for Hamas suicide bombings.

The 2004 designation included all of ISRA’s branches, including a U.S. office called the Islamic American Relief Agency (IARA-USA). Eventually it became known that this American branch had illegally transferred over $1.2 million to Iraqi insurgents and other terror groups, including, reportedly, the Afghan terrorist Gulbuddin Hekmatyar.

National Review notes that in July 2014 the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) approved $723,405 of U.S. taxpayer funds to go to World Vision Inc., and that out of that money, “$200,000 was to be directed to a sub-grantee: ISRA.”


ht/ all too much

13 Comments on Obama Knowingly Funded Designated Al-Qaeda Affiliate

  1. So, can we have some hearings on impeachment for crimes and misdemeanors yet? Obama can still be impeached you know. I can think of multiple occasions where he committed crimes that amount to actual treason.


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