Obama Let Hillary Operate At State Dept. Without A Permanent Inspector General – IOTW Report

Obama Let Hillary Operate At State Dept. Without A Permanent Inspector General


President Donald Trump is being criticized by his opponents after firing State Department Inspector General Steve Linick on Friday night. Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) called it a “threat to accountable democracy.” However, President Barack Obama did not nominate an inspector general for the State Department during his entire first term. More

18 Comments on Obama Let Hillary Operate At State Dept. Without A Permanent Inspector General

  1. He didn’t nominate an IG for State because no one could have overlooked the pay for play scam Hillary was running.

    Man talk about sugar plums dancing in your head(or counting your chickens) Hillary has a special calculator made with extra zeros for all the booty she was going to score as president.

  2. When is this cunt finally going to be out of the news and go away?

    I guess I could be like his fawning ladyboy followers are towards Trump. I hope this socialist asshole traitor gets the New York Virus and dies.

    At least I didn’t have a picture taken of me holding his fake head. (And yes, that redheaded hag is a ladyboy.)

  3. When President Trump causes Mitt Romney to soil his diaper, President Trump knows he made the right decision. Good on you Mister President. (Trying to clean up my act. Notice I didn’t say “shit his pants” this time?)

  4. I am still ticked that I had to vote for Mittens, and after he lost the election, we then had to put up with the most corrupt, arrogant and insufferable President in American history for another four years. Thanks Mittens!

  5. If Romney were a Democrat just what exactly would he have done differently.

    I’m beginning to think that a religion that hides it’s inherent oddity under it’s clothes may just be disguising how duplicitous and evil it is under it’s holier than thou facade.

  6. “Obama Let Hillary Operate”

    yes, he did
    he certainly did

    I’m sure it had to be that way.
    That’s how the clintons do things
    Her first out of country trip as SoS was to Kenya, but she stopped in the UK on the way and went to the Hall of Records. Nowhere else. Funny, that.

  7. I used to think that the LSM was declining into irrelevance, but their sister internet and cable outlets have picked up the slack. The screen they provide for the democorruptocrats is as thick and effective as ever. Corruptocrats know it and continue to lie cheat and steal without any fear of exposure or prosecution. Further, it allows them to project onto conservatives every illegal, immoral and corrupt actions they undertake.


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