Obama Never Warned State Election Officials Of Russian Election ‘Hacking’ – IOTW Report

Obama Never Warned State Election Officials Of Russian Election ‘Hacking’


Neither former President Barack Obama nor any member of his cabinet warned state election officials of any Russian effort to hack or interfere with the country’s electoral systems, according to the president of the National Association of Secretaries of State.

“We did ask,” Denise Merrill, Connecticut secretary of state and the association’s top official, told The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group Wednesday.

“And over-and-over again, they did say there was no credible threat that they had found. And they said that right through the election, and the next administration reiterated that. Over and over again when we asked, we were told there was no actual threat that they knew of,” Merrill said.


Col. Jim Waurishuk (Ret.), a 30-year former senior intelligence official, told TheDCNF the NSA document Winner released “was an extremely high-level classified Top Secret Special Intelligence document,” which is “originator controlled,” meaning “the NSA has total control of this document. They determine who it gets disseminated to and it cannot be further disseminated unless it’s approved by the NSA.”

Waurishuk, who is vice president of OPSEC, a nonprofit association of former Special Forces and intelligence officials, was asked by TheDCNF to review the document.

“This document has nothing to do with affecting the election or with ballots,” he said. “It has nothing to do with the outcome of elections. This is merely a foreign signals intercept by U.S. intelligence officials.”

The Russians were “basically going to the election office computers of a private company that served election organizations. Their malware went there, not to election balloting machinery. They were hoping office workers might be lured into a phishing effort,” Waurishuk said.


It’s alllllll bullshit, people.

ht/ all too much

9 Comments on Obama Never Warned State Election Officials Of Russian Election ‘Hacking’

  1. Okay, so Obongo said there was no election “hacking”. We already knew that! It was invented to hamstring Trumps and the new administration.

    So, Reality Winner could not have gotten the intel she leaked unless someone wanted her to have it, right? So, the FBI and the intel agencies are corrupt and tools of the Left.

  2. I remember reading about attempts by “the Feds” to hack state voting machines. (Ga?)

    I would not be surprised to find out that BO and his peeps are the “Russian hackers”. Or Macedonian. Or Democrat.

  3. Wake me up when it’s confirmed oblah blah did something honorable and patriotic for OUR country, until then I’m in a self-induced coma upon the mention of his name.

  4. too bad no one in a position to prosecute will prosecute.

    when it’s this corrupt, how can you expect truth and justice.

    off topic: watching hearings, comey’s quite an ass, he has nothing.

  5. Like much of Barry’s work, he was always going to be damned if he did, or didn’t, do a thing. Imagine, if you will, Barry coming out and dropping a bomb like Comey. As razor thin as it was, even the witch would have won.
    As far as the media circus….no establishment hack will ever get sentenced.

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