Obama playing dictator-in-exile from a kingly south of France palace? – IOTW Report

Obama playing dictator-in-exile from a kingly south of France palace?

American Thinker: President Obama is living the life of a former king, vacationing these days at a palatial estate in the south of France. At what point has he made enough? Silly us for asking.

Daily Mail has a report with a lot of photographs:

Former US president Barack Obama and his family arrived in Avignon in the south of France for a week’s holiday just days after they were pictured celebrating daughter Sasha’s graduation from high school.

The Obamas are reportedly staying at a luxurious 18th century farmhouse on Bathelasse island, near the Provencal city.

Barack, 57, his wife Michelle, 55, and their two daughters Sasha, 18, and Malia, 20, will relax at the palatial Le Mas des Poiriers, rented at 55,000 euros for the week, according to a report by Le Parisien.

The two former first daughters were seen out and about Saturday after jetting into the Provencal city on Friday.

Security detail from the Gard regional police as well as the US Secret Service will surround the residence as the former first family visit the area.

The property sits on 65 acres – providing seclusion and privacy for the Obamas  during their stay.

Why the taxpayers should pay for this via the security guard details, as if the man can’t afford any of his own after all the payoffs he’s now collecting from speeches and book deals is rather a side issue.

The problem is that this comes as he’s engaging in quite a few shenanigans on his own around Europe.  read more

13 Comments on Obama playing dictator-in-exile from a kingly south of France palace?

  1. Go back to Martha’s Vineyard boy, and feed those Great White sharks a leg or two. That will cure the sharks’ appetite for humans on Cape Cod.


  2. Spending lots of time out of the USA eh, Obama? What are you trying to hide from? What are you trying to evade?

    It isn’t gonna matter one bit when the hammer eventually falls.

  3. Wow, seeing that 50’s take on a comic book cover makes me wonder today how different things would be if diversity existed back then.
    “Half White Creature from the Kenyan Lagoon”
    Think it would have packed the movies and sold out then?

  4. Like the slithering and slimy creature he is he has retreated to the darkest dankest crevise’s in the world to shelter himself from the justice that’s stalking him.
    With more and more exposure of his criminality he has become furtive and seldom seen. He’s as nervous as a hunted animal.

  5. A secluded French property with ample privacy provides the two men with a break from the scrutiny of public life. Mooch takes a much needed break from taping his penis to his thigh to get into those dresses. Barry continues his subversion through his muslim contacts remotely. They continue the charade after they’ve rested up.


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