Obama plots jobs killing ‘midnight lawsuits’ – IOTW Report

Obama plots jobs killing ‘midnight lawsuits’

WaEx: The Obama administration, which is planning to unleash billions of dollars of new last minute regulations to shore up the president’s legacy, is now also readying “midnight litigation” targeting businesses, lawsuits that are expected to kill jobs.

In advance of that move, several pro-business and anti-tax groups are urging the incoming Trump administration to junk the lawsuits on Day One.

In a letter to transition chief Mike Pence, the vice president-elect, the groups warned, “Should the Obama administration bring non-routine, last minute, legally unorthodox midnight litigation, your administration should not hesitate to withdraw immediately from that litigation.”

The letter, provided to Secrets and signed by groups such as Americans for Tax Reform, Frontiers of Freedom, and the Competitive Enterprise Institute, added, “In such circumstances, the new administration should not be constrained by notions of deference and should not support suspect legal theories that could have devastating economic effects for decades to come.”  MORE

18 Comments on Obama plots jobs killing ‘midnight lawsuits’

  1. Obama’s last vestiges of his socialist, anti-American, anti-business, anti-capitalism effort to fundamentally transform the US.
    This completes his legacy of failure.
    Who and what will he attack in the next 21 days?

  2. “…the new administration should not be constrained by notions of deference…”

    Again, we’re talking about Trump here. Probably will tweet individually each bit of deleted Obama lame duck droppings.

  3. Maybe this is what people meant when they said he would not finish his term. He just may be removed legally rather than be allowed time for more sheninagans or, as he said, being “forced out of office.”

  4. He’s really destroying his own party pulling all this petulant 💩. He slowly has been doing that for the last eight years with over a thousand democrat seats lost as Exhibit “A.”

    But he’s too much of a retarded mongloid to see it. Which is fine.

  5. These actions clarify and solidify Obama’s legacy as an immature, destructive, small minded person who should never have been elected president. A complete embarrassment as a national leader who was not worthy of the office.

  6. He was appointed President by a few very powerful people to accomplish specific goals and he failed miserably. Now he’s just trying to stay alive before they “recall” his ass.

  7. Obama, as dumb as he is, still doesn’t understand that he’ll probably spend the rest of his short miserable life trying to remain alive.

    And it ain’t the right-wingers that are gonna take him out.

    Mark my words.

  8. Let’s hope that, once Obama is finally finished turning over furniture, breaking windows, and smearing his feces on the White House walls, that Trump will quickly clean up this petulant child’s mess and move forward.

  9. Is some one suggesting that government initiated court action might not be purely reactive, only undertaken with the gravest of regret for the damage done to the public treasury, and only when anarchist malcontents refuse to live by the rule of law?

    That might not be illegal to suggest, but it is dronable.

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