How Trump clears Obama’s minefield – IOTW Report

How Trump clears Obama’s minefield


Wa Ex: Before moving into the White House, President-elect Trump needs to double check the Oval Office for trip wires. His predecessor has spent the last month setting traps to ensnare the new administration.

President Obama has more on his mind than an effort to solidify a legacy and nail down policy. He has adopted a guerrilla strategy designed to defame and debilitate. Inherently political, it’s administrative sabotage by extra legislative means and it threatens to hobble Trump.

Obama has prepared what looks like a classic episode from Mad Magazine: Executive vs. Executive. Instead of delivering on his own agenda, Trump will be forced to deal with the aftermath of his predecessor’s final binge. They could consume a notable portion of Trump’s first 100 days, but if left unaddressed it would stain his administration long term.

To avoid that hazard, an examination of President Clinton’s final days in office is helpful. After all, Obama didn’t develop these tactics on his own. He lifted them directly from a manual written by the Clintons.

Just days before President George W. Bush’s inauguration, Clinton weaponized EPA regulations to set a trap for the new administration. Despite complaints from rural communities about crippling compliance costs and a lack of a scientific consensus, Clinton adopted aggressive arsenic standards for drinking water. When Bush eased the mandate, it unleashed a torrent of criticism that had been long planned, most notably from Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York.

Despite calling for studies based on “sound science,” Bush couldn’t shake accusations that he wanted to poison children. The attacks found their mark, and Bush later remembered the experience as one of the worst mistakes of his young administration.

Now Obama’s running the same play.  MORE

13 Comments on How Trump clears Obama’s minefield

  1. “Trump will certainly be branded an enemy of the environment if he overturns Obama’s high-handed expropriation.”

    Add it to the list with xenophobe, racist, bigot, hitler, sexist, groper, hitler-groper etc.

    This is Trump we’re talking about here, not Jeb, and Barky’s sissy little minefield of ladyfingers is a freaking lavender-scented joke.

  2. 0bama is a petulant punkass.
    His recent actions are a direct insult to everyone who voted for Trump.
    It’s good to see Putin expressing maturity in the face of 0bama’s infantile behavior.

  3. Trump need to take a flamethrower to Obama’s “legacy,” and completely ignore the unavoidable screaming and gnashing of teeth from the Fake News media.

    They will call Trump names regardless of his actions. If he cucks of gutting Obama’s bullshit, Trump just alienates his core supporters – and the people trying to get him to cuck already hate Trump, so kicking them in the nuts costs him nothing.

    So, let the incineration and nut-kicking commence.

  4. Deceit, deception, obstruction and destruction are Obama’s calling cards.
    Show the American people who he is and destroy his policies and executive orders immediately.
    Identify all his strategically placed marxist/socialists in every agency and fire them.

  5. Seriously, when is it going to happen? Take the White Hut, how does one pull all the carpet out, strip the walls, fix the plumbing the Moose broke, and dig up the garden in one day? Trumps going to feel like he moved into low income housing, I’d like to see a timeline… with pictures.

  6. Every time they accuse Trump and the Republicans of wanting to poison children or throw granny off a cliff, Trump needs to get families of citizens raped and murdered in front of CNN cameras and blast away at 0bamas and his legacy.

  7. A month or so ago Trump mentioned he would stay at Trump Towers his first year, while the White House would be retrofitted. Obviously some of that retrofitting would involve destroying all possible wire taps & shit.

    And then there’s all that fumigating.

  8. Should just bulldoze the White House, or go ahead and make it part of the Smithsonian. Trump would probably be happier to stay at the new Trump hotel in D.C. rather than that rat infested, antiquated, haunted place! He could build something nicer for “Presidential” meetings and visits from diplomats anyway!

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