Obama Promises To Save Families Money – IOTW Report

Obama Promises To Save Families Money

By Killing Their Electricity. 

CDN- I wish our idiot, lying president would get his lies straight.  When he was campaigning for the Oval Office he promised to bankrupt anyone who built a coal-fired power plant, but now he claims that by killing the main source of electricity for the nation each family will save $85 a year. His claim makes no sense, unless he’s including the savings from not having to pay a monthly electric bill because the power plant will be idled under his plan.

obama unicorn

How can a radical president bankrupt a power plant supplying electricity to a family and at the same time save that family money?  To bankrupt the generating company means to punish them monetarily so severely (and thereby cause the customers’ power bills to escalate in order to cover the government’s financial abuse of the generating plant) that their customers will be unable to pay their bill, and the company is forced to close as its revenue dries up and the government’s punitive demands increase. 

Obama must be insane. Opponents to Obama’s EPA destruction of power generation in America estimate that Obama’s plan will result in the loss of 244,000 jobs and will cost families $1200 a year on average.  Just as Obamacare didn’t allow citizens to keep their doctor or their healthcare plan and did not save the average family $2400 a year, even though Obama repeatedly said Obamacare would do each of those, this fool plan will cost families more money, limit the electric power they will have available to them for their personal use, and will handicap any business that uses the coal-powered plants targeted, which will make them less competitive and probably cause those businesses to fail, thereby leading to fewer jobs, increased joblessness and more dependence on government.

This scheme is only a part of what Obama meant by “fundamentally transforming America”.  His proposal is right out of the Saul Alinski playbook, intended to destroy a nation so it can be taken over by subversive forces. more

18 Comments on Obama Promises To Save Families Money

  1. Sounds like a North Korea or Venezuelan plan.
    Close electric generating plants.
    Supply us with Government Candles, made with the tallow gleaned from Tea Party members.

  2. If you like your heat in winter, you can keep your heat in the winter.
    If you like your AC in the summer you can keep your AC in the summer.

    It will just cost you much, much more.
    President Sh1t-Midas strikes again!

  3. Liars lie.
    Socialists destroy.
    Ticks suck.
    Chiggers … uhh … sorry – Chegroes itch.

    Obola can’t act contrary to his nature.

    He MUST lie, destroy, suck, and itch.

  4. I would like to thank all the liberal idiots, stupid common core graduates, the dead, the illegals and all the others that voted this piece of dog crap in not once but twice…I feel sorry for the developmentally disabled too, but not enough to elect him to office… Every time Obutthole opens his pie slot and say you are gonna save money, we all get screwed…

  5. So if we reduce carbon emissions by 30% and that saves everybody $85/year. Why don’t we cut carbon emissions by 90% and save everybody $255/year.

    This is the question a real reporter would ask his highness.

  6. My property has gas wells. So I make my own power. Two 50 kW generators. One running all the time. I sell power to the electric company.
    Smartest investment I ever made.
    Our president hates us.

  7. Sure barry sure, like I believe anything that comes out of your lying mouth. Sort of like the worthless so called health insurance my boss pays for just to keep you off his back. It ain’t worth shit! It will not pay for any primary health care services but if I was pregnant or needed an abortion or wanted to become a tranny it would pay for that. I don’t believe a damned word that comes from your lying lips now or ever. You mr. presidunce are a jackass and a total failure and beneath contempt for what you’ve done deliberately to destroy America.

  8. We’re going to become a nation off the grid and powered by black-market diesel generators. They’ll be jealously guarded and any Fed or eco-warrior that gets near will be shot on sight.

    Statism isn’t a form of government, it is the denial of government. Statists say the Right is against government. They deny us government. Obama’s kangaroo court shit is going to start a revolution.

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