Obama proposing rule to force companies to disclose salaries based on gender – IOTW Report

Obama proposing rule to force companies to disclose salaries based on gender

His nose is always in your business.
His nose is always in your business.

WashingtonTimes: The Obama administration is proposing new regulations that would require large employers to disclose how much they pay men and women, the latest move in President Obama’s efforts to equalize wages.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Friday published a plan to begin gathering pay data from employers with 100 or more workers, looking at information on gender, race and ethnicity. The government will use the information to target companies that may be discriminating against women for enforcement action.

15 Comments on Obama proposing rule to force companies to disclose salaries based on gender

  1. Hey barry it’s really none of your damned business how much money people make. Why don’t you and your libtard ilk just leave us the Hell alone? We can take care of ourselves, thank you. You’re just fucking everything up again in the name of so called fairness where nobody makes anymore than anyone else except for the enlightened elites. That picture makes you look like a smug alien from an episode of The Twilight Zone, You know the one with the wide nosed, pig snout ones who wanted to take over the Earth.

  2. Wait-A-Holdit!
    The government already has all this information… every April!

    Why are they arm-twisting companies to reveal what they already know… so they can put the onus on the private sector and turn them the bad Capitalists!!
    This is simply a back door to Unions, “Card Check” and the removal of any expectation of privacy.

    Once again I say, welcome to the New Communism of unnecessary, over-reaching, over-bearing, autocratic regulation where the only thing that’s free is disinformation, division and deceit by a feckless, jug-eared, dog-eating, Jihad-coddling, phoney-baloney plastic banana Muzbro-Organizing Manchurian Doorknob!

  3. Hey Bawwy–I work in a place where everyone at the same pay grade gets exactly the same pay, and it sucks!

    New York State ought to be ashamed of itself for the amount of money it pays to shiftless, lazy, incompetent, always late, alays whining ciphers in New York City Family Court. In the kind of economy we have today, these slackers shouldn’t even be employed.

  4. C’mon, Barky, set us all a good example. Where are the sex/salary reports for every central govt agency and organization? Let’s start with Justice and Labor in the exec branch, then follow that up with congressional support staff and then the fed court system.

  5. Information “on gender, race and ethnicity” but not qualifications?

    Pretty fucking useless “information.”

    So, if Caterpillar (for instance) pays the white, degreed, mechanical engineer more than the illiterate, innumerate mexican janitor it’s gonna look bad for em?

    Or if the white, male, MSME makes more than the black, female, BSME?

    Fuckin Bullshit.

    Show me in the Constitution of the United States of America where the Executive Branch has that authority.

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