Obama Rarely Prosecuted Criminals Who Sought To Buy Guns Illegally – IOTW Report

Obama Rarely Prosecuted Criminals Who Sought To Buy Guns Illegally

Daily Caller: More than 100,000 convicted felons or other “prohibited persons” tried to buy guns each year during President Barack Obama’s administration by lying on their applications, but the Justice Department only considered prosecuting about 30 to 40 people each year, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation.

The Obama administration may have publicly aligned itself with anti-gun activists, but it consistently turned a blind eye to prosecute known criminals who tried to buy guns.

A June 2016 Justice Department Inspector General’s report revealed that between 2008 and 2015 the U.S. Attorneys office considered prosecuting “less than 32 people per year” for lying on form 4473, the federal application to buy guns.

Surprisingly, the Obama administration’s harshest critics are gun manufacturers themselves.

“People could do what is called, ‘lie and buy,’” explained Lawrence Keane, a senior vice president of the National Shooting Sports Foundation, a nonprofit organization that represents gun manufacturers.

“But very infrequently is anyone ever prosecuted. What’s the point of making it a crime if you don’t enforce it?” he asked in an interview with TheDCNF.

“It’s a long-standing problem. And it was certainly true over the last eight years where the Department of Justice did not prosecute people,” he complained.  read more

8 Comments on Obama Rarely Prosecuted Criminals Who Sought To Buy Guns Illegally

  1. Prosecuting people who used guns in the commission of felonies would result in a lot of black men facing a mandatory 5 years in jail.

    Therefore, it is racist to enforce those gun laws. As Brother Holder so eloquently put it, he didn’t take that job to prosecute his own people.

  2. I refused to sell a handgun to a customer once.
    Had him fill out the 4473, copied his license, went back to look over the form.
    Looked like a 1st grader filled it out. Told him he needed to fill out one that legible.
    He went off like a bomb, gun store, only the employees have loaded weapons.
    He was gonna sue, his rights, lawyers, stormed out.
    He left the license on the counter, I had a copy, now also had the license.
    Gun Shop, lots of cops come in.
    Yep, license was fake, well the license was real, just the information was fake.
    You think the ATF ever came to look at the video?

  3. In the Soviet gulags the
    criminals were given free reign
    by the guards to abuse and even
    murder the “politicals” in the
    camps. It was terror as a method
    of control.
    I see Obama knew all about it and
    used it with good success.

  4. I remember after NICS was implemented, Billy Jeff Clinton praised it and tried to institute NICS II by claiming that “eleventy–billion criminals were prevented from buying firearms” because of it.

    My only question was “How many did you prosecute for doing so?

    Open the Door, I had an FFL tell me once that a gun dealer was the only business where you could look over the person, the paperwork and the money, say “nope” and push it back across the counter, and the customer had no recourse.

  5. The left has no interest in enforcing laws until someone comes along that they want to “get”. The reason they want so many laws on the books is they never know which ones they’ll need until they know who they’re after.

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