Obama Ratchets Up the Pressure on Biden – IOTW Report

Obama Ratchets Up the Pressure on Biden

US News

Former President Barack Obama has told allies in recent days that Joe Biden’s path to victory has greatly diminished and he thinks the U.S. president needs to seriously consider the viability of his candidacy, the Washington Post reported on Thursday, citing multiple people briefed on Obama’s thinking. More

16 Comments on Obama Ratchets Up the Pressure on Biden

  1. The Obamboozler finds country – –
    “Hey Fuck Up!” Dance to this!” (Stomps foot)

    “C’mon you fuckin’ dummy
    Get your right step right
    Get offstage you goddamn goof
    You pissed me off
    You fucking jerk!”

  2. The reason: No one will believe Biden won even after the vote rigging and stealing and suppression happens…so there has to be another candidate to run with the potential plausibility of winning.

  3. Isn’t it funny that one day after Joe said the only way he would drop out of the race is if he had a medical condition, lo and behold, he comes down with Covid? Joe is famous for shooting off his mouth and giving away the game, and there it is.

  4. I’ll bet Obutthole has Always wanted to be a magician, he loves to lead from behind making his lackeys fight over who may be to blame for all local and worldly problems that he himself created.
    It’s for sure there is never any credit to fight over.

  5. The bloom is off of the rose. Democrats all follow Obama leading behind the scenes, but he hasn’t endorsed a winner since President Trump exposed him for the criminal he is.

  6. Yep. Barry, Defacto pResident. and master puppeteer has chosen Dementia Joe’s successor. Subconciously, Barry’s a woman hater, like most male queers so it will probably be a man willing to be subservient in more ways than one – Gruesome Newsome?

  7. I hope you’re correct, 99th! Of the three women talked about, Hillary, Mike, and Queen Gretch, our country would be Hell if any of them were to steal the election.

    Not that Gov. Dippity Doo would be any better, but there would be less Ds on the fence that would vote for him.

  8. I agree with Obsolete Man; the cheat needed to push Biden to win would have to be astronomical and difficult to hide. They need someone closer in the polls to make it believable.

  9. You’re right, Claudia.
    Those three horrible Demwit hags make the three witches of Macbeth seem like girl scouts. God forbid they ever get near the White House.

  10. Joe will step down. Kakalama becomes the first “black” woman president and then likes to Trump. The dems get rid of their Joe problem & their Kamala problem in one move. Then the media will spend 4 years trashing every word out of Trump’s mouth while building up Whitmer or Newscum.


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