Obama Received $30 Million From CCP Linked Fugitive (According to Leonardo DiCaprio?) – IOTW Report

Obama Received $30 Million From CCP Linked Fugitive (According to Leonardo DiCaprio?)

Trending Politics: Actor Leonardo DiCaprio testified in a federal court Monday regarding the alleged involvement of a Malaysian financier, Jho Low, in a money-laundering scheme. The scheme involves funneling money through a prominent 90s rap artist to make donations to the re-election campaign of former President Barack Obama in 2012.

DiCaprio said, “It was a causal conversation about what party he was in support of, I told him what party I was in support of. And he told me that he, or he and a group, were going to make a significant contribution to the Democratic Party.”

“It was a significant sum… something to the tune of $20-30 million. I said, ‘Wow that’s a lot of money!’” the actor testified.

According to the New York Post:

Low allegedly recruited Prakazrel “Pras” Michel – the founding member of the iconic 1990s hip-hop group The Fugees – to funnel the money to Obama’s reelection bid as foreigners cannot donate to US campaigns under federal election law.

Michel took tens of millions of dollars to lobby the government on behalf of Low and the Chinese government as a whole, prosecutors alleged.

Much of the money was reportedly stolen. Low is accused of embezzling a whopping $4.5 billion from Malaysia’s state investment fund known as 1MDB.

DiCaprio, 48, was called as a witness due to his years-long relationship with Low, who he believed to be “a huge businessman” with connections in Abu Dhabi and Malaysia, he said. Low helped fund his 2013 movie “The Wolf of Wall Street” for which the star won a Golden Globe for best actor…

DiCaprio said he once joined a group who flew with Low on his jet to celebrate New Year’s Eve in Australia before flying to Las Vegas to celebrate the holiday for the second time in one day. He said Michel, who he first met backstage at a Fugees concert in the 90s, came on some of the trips.

DiCaprio and Obama have worked together on several occasions to raise awareness about climate change and the importance of environmental conservation. MORE

9 Comments on Obama Received $30 Million From CCP Linked Fugitive (According to Leonardo DiCaprio?)

  1. From GWP: “Mr. Guo has made himself the arch nemesis of the CCP by exposing three highly classified CCP documents he had obtained in 2017: the BGY Plan (which exposed the CCP’s efforts to infiltrate all aspects of American society), the 3F Plan (which exposed the CCP sending tens of thousands of spies to the U.S.), and the 13579 plan (which revealed the CCP’s plan to create and release a biological weapon – now known as Covid-19 – within three years).”

    just so people know why he is a fugitive
    and the doj apparently is holding him without bail, and will not let him testify in this case. That’s more of withholding evidence, isn’t it?
    maybe the doj/fbi should be called the brady bunch

  2. Keep rinsing out your cat food cans before you recycle them so Lehandro DiCrapio and Horseface Kerry can live like arrogant creeps:
    “DiCaprio said he once joined a group who flew with Low on his jet to celebrate New Year’s Eve in Australia before flying to Las Vegas to celebrate the holiday for the second time in one day. “


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