Obama Requesting 1 Billion Dollars For Heroin Users – Lifting Restrictions On Opioid Addiction Medication – IOTW Report

Obama Requesting 1 Billion Dollars For Heroin Users – Lifting Restrictions On Opioid Addiction Medication

Doctors can only legally prescribe Opioid addiction medication to 100 of their patients. This is to limit abuse on the black market.

Obama is opening the floodgates. Doctors will now be able to write scripts to 275 patients. It’s almost like Obama is unaware that there are unscrupulous doctors out there.

Additionally, Obama wants to throw a billion dollars towards giving those opiates to drug addicts for free.


11 Comments on Obama Requesting 1 Billion Dollars For Heroin Users – Lifting Restrictions On Opioid Addiction Medication

  1. The problem is most of the doctors prescribing these drugs have practices in the inner cities and a disproportionate number of their patients are junkies. I don’t know why it’s a blanket upgrade to 275 rather than an application with documentation by a doctor to update the number allowed. It wouldn’t be rocket science nor a huge increase in in paperwork to do this.

  2. My wife sells opiods, she is a pharmaceutical rep. One of the biggest challenges she has is getting doctors to understand that her products are not intended for rehab treatment. The drugs she sells have security built in that make them impossible to crush and shoot. So doctors are trying to prescribe them for addicts. It’s been a tough go for her as she had no idea how prevalent opiod addiction is in our society.

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