Obama Says Climate Change Conference Will Be A ‘Powerful Rebuke’ To Terrorism – IOTW Report

Obama Says Climate Change Conference Will Be A ‘Powerful Rebuke’ To Terrorism

obama unicorn

Hannity: Ever since the attacks on Paris, the western world has been alight with debate over the most effect way to combat the scourge of terrorism. Some have suggested redoubling our efforts to combat ISIS on the battlefield. Others say it’s time to forcefully rebuke the tenets of radical Islam. President Obama suggests…a climate change conference.

I’m sure ISIS is shaking in its boots.

Watch the bizarre statement during his joint press conference with French President Francois Hollande:

19 Comments on Obama Says Climate Change Conference Will Be A ‘Powerful Rebuke’ To Terrorism

  1. Well of course he said that. That’s his agenda and he’s has to stick with it. Even if it makes him look like a fairy riding a unicorn!
    The world is wondering if this country is full of fairies riding unicorns.

  2. i suppose when they get their hands on nukes, the climate change farce finally be real

    what an embarrassing fool, i think he is missing a key part of his brain, the part where arrogance far outweighs common sense

  3. To the contrary ISIS will see Obama’s statement as encouragement.

    I’m just undecided why they will see it that way. Two choices, they will think:
    a) Obama is a fool, we can keep killing infidels without worry of serious losses. His tough talk is never backed up with meaningful action.
    b)Obama is still “our boy”, he’s continuing to pave the way to the caliphate for us.

    And every time Obumbles says, ” that’s un American, that’s not who we are”, it makes me angry, He’s as un American as it gets, and he hasn’t a clue who we are, except to know he doesn’t like it and wants to fundamentally change who and what Americans are.
    A goal no US president should hold.

  4. Why are we losing to ISIS ? Because Odinga wants us to. Why? Because they are partners with him and Erdogen in stealing the oil. Simple….

    The caliphate is advancing. America is disapearing. Resistance to the caliphate will be futile in his eyes. Odinga will be a trillionaire moslime ayatolloah.

    The traitorous world leaders like Hitlery, merkel, the greek scumbag pm, hollande, and the rest think they will broker deals to keep them insulated as they defy the will of their citizens in favor of moslime filth invaders. Mind boggling, yes indeed.

    Keep the corruption and treason ofodinga, isis, and turkey on the top of every page. Flood the inetrnet with it on social media. Do not be distracted by the other planted bullshit. It all comes back to this. Spread the truth.

  5. This idiot is just trying to keep the lid on until the Great Election Fraud of 2016 puts Aunty Hilary in position to pardon his black ass after the left turns on him.
    Remember, his chief of staff is Iranian born.
    And isn’t Huma Iranian?
    If I were the Alien Conspiracy type I would posit that the Iranians are cleverly disguised Aliens from the Asshole Nebula.
    Jarret and Huma are the handlers with fingers on the buttons controlling the voltage levels on the implants on the pain/pleasure areas of their brains.
    Mooch is a Bald Chewbacca, being punished for crimes against the Empire.

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