Obama says Fox News, Limbaugh created ‘fictional character named Barack’ – IOTW Report

Obama says Fox News, Limbaugh created ‘fictional character named Barack’


Oh, do tell, Barack.

President Obama wants Americans to know before he leaves office that many of them were only unhappy with his administration due to a “fictional” representation promulgated by conservative media outlets.

The Atlantic’s Ta-Nehisi Coates recently sat down with Mr. Obama for a series the magazine calls “My President Was Black.” The project is based on interviews conducted Oct. 19, but the first two parts were published Tuesday and Wednesday.

“I’m not saying I’m impervious to criticism — but one of the things that you come pretty early on to understand in this job, and you start figuring out even during the course of the campaign, is that there’s Barack Obama the person and there’s Barack Obama the symbol, or the office holder, or what people are seeing on television, or just a representative of power,” Mr. Obama said while recounting a brusque encounter with an activist.

The president added that people who respond negatively toward him are often not doing so based on a perception rooted in reality.  MORE   [At This point, I’d like to ask the audience to put on their hip boots because it’s about to get deep in here.]



27 Comments on Obama says Fox News, Limbaugh created ‘fictional character named Barack’

  1. Hey barry, Rush is right, you may not be a fictional character but most of the time truth is stranger than fiction. There is no way anyone could’ve conceived a fictional character who has done as much damage to this country as you have over the last 8 years. Most people would’ve never believed and seen this as bs and all lies. But considering that your story was written by the father of all lies Lucifer AKA Satan a lot of people were snookered by it and believed it to be true. Goodbye barry, we won’t miss you, you’re like a cheap book (a potboiler) that some may have enjoyed but ultimately thrown into the garbage after they finished reading it. And please we don’t want a sequel ever, once was bad enough!

  2. …there’s Barack Obama the person and there’s Barack Obama the symbol,…

    And then there’s Barack Obama the lying Kenyan elitist America-hating, gorilla-marrying, communist catering, tax dollar thieving, traitorous, vacation addicted, military emasculating, Constitution destroying, back stabbing, two faced buggering sodomite.

    There would be more but I think I broke my keyboard slamming this into the internets.

  3. Maybe his comment about “fictional character” was a freudian slip – and he’s accidentally telling the truth. Can’t wait until who he truly is comes out in such a way that the media and politicians who carried his water for him all these years can’t help but realize what kind of monster they helped create and support and foisted on our country.

  4. This from a perverted puke whose persona was on display virtually 24 hours a day seven days a week. We all got to see this asswipe up close and personal for an eternity of eight years. Well as up close and personal as a tv screen can be!

  5. The “persona” is a fabrication.
    As is the “persona” of each and every “celebrity” throughout time.
    It is a fabrication by the person projecting the “persona” as well as a fabrication by those interpreting that “persona.”
    Neither Rush nor Fox News described him as a “drug-addled, homosexual marxist” which he IS, but more as a petulant 13 year-old-girl, which he clearly is NOT, though he strives to be.
    And he is being disingenuous (as usual) by pretending that the favored “persona” he attempts to project is, somehow, more akin to “reality” than the unfavorable “persona” depicted by others – when both are ludicrously false. I would bet a dollar to a donut hole that neither projection comes near to the actual person that sits alone, naked, with Reggie, smoking dope and playing “hide the sausage.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I don’t need or want to read anymore of his fictional public relations interview.

    If he needs to lie to himself in orderto sleep at night, that is his problem. I’m just ecstatic that he will be sleeping at a different address in less than a month.

  7. Actions speak louder than words. his actions are what disgusts me from his going to the god dam America church to his effort to weaken our nation and fill us with terrorists.

  8. What is certainly not fiction is the fact that Revrum Wright´s “God-Damn America”-hating, lazy, vactioning, golfing, childish, naïve, spending, partying, vindictive, arrogant, stumbling, sarcastic, maladroit, fundamentally-transforming, narcissistic, corrupt, sheet-grabbing, pillow-biting, stair-prancing, Gay-obsessed, ankle-grabbing-flexible, Communist-Organizing, Marxist Muzlim Mallard has done everything possible to weaken America any way possible as a mulato pussy disguised as a Black man!

  9. I also picked up on the two faces of Eve-obobo. Since that worked so well for Cankles, I guess Barky wanted to run it past the puppet meister Soros. The two faces (public and hidden) we interpret to be what you say in public, and then how you turn around and do the opposite, over and over. Do you think you are not predictable, Barky? you are as predictable as a dime novel at a garage sale, and about as entertaining. So as to your plan to shadow cast the new President, by hovering in the background, you may want to leave the country. Shit is about to rain down on you jug ears. Soon you will be shown to have been a Manchurian candidate and falsely elected leader. Everything you ever did will be undone, and you will be charged with High Treason, punishable by death, and not pardonable. I thought when they leaked the 5 homes of Barky tale, this is a ruse. He wants America to think he is sticking around to harass Trump. In truth, he most likely will flee the country for his buddies in the middle east.

  10. Interesting how this half white, half black is considered black.
    I’m surprised that in eight years, the great Left hasn’t jumped on that with a loud, complaining objection.
    Whatever he is, I am sick of seeing any Obama and can’t wait till 20 January. Party, party. Happy days are here again … The skies above are clear again … Let us sing a song of cheer again, Happy Days are here again !!! All together now…!!!

  11. Is Asswipe “evolving” again?
    Didn’t he publish his ‘autobiography’ portraying that little fictional character, Barack?

    Maybe the colored boy, of Hawaiian birth, should read his own story and get back to us.


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