Obama Says He’s a 13 Handicap – IOTW Report

Obama Says He’s a 13 Handicap

‘I’m not a hack’: Obama takes time out of his Martha’s Vineyard vacation to defend his GOLF game and reveal he has a handicap of ‘about 13’ –

That means Obama can be expected to shoot around 85 most of the time, give or take some strokes either way.

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36 Comments on Obama Says He’s a 13 Handicap

  1. That’s funny because all over IG tonight there saying somebody got a hold of his IQ test and he scored a stunning 101 which is 10 points lower than my Labs. His handy cap is huge.

  2. Oh, I thought you meant he acts like he’s 13, and is mentally handicapped. Apologies to all mentally handicapped people, except for Killary, oh, but I said people. Never mind.

  3. Well, that’s certainly an important thing to know. Isn’t it considered bad form to go around bragging about your golf handicap?

    The irony is a man who builds and owns some of the world’s finest courses won’t take the time to play them once he assumes office.

  4. when has he ever told the truth?

    13 handicap?
    isn’t he left handed?
    if he had a 13 handicap he wouldn’t have to golf in secret would he?

    too bad we don’t have a curious media since we have such a lying potus.

  5. Of course what we get to hear about him isn’t the complete truth!

    The sycophantic reporter left off the last of the statement – “I have a handicap about 13 times worse than my daughters'”.

  6. obama’s golf game SUCKS. 13 handicap my rear, maybe for 9 holes and that is being generous. He is a hacker. Pretty pathetic for someone who is on the course as much as an avid golfer retiree. 18 holes of golf takes a ton of time and is not a realistic pursuit for any executive or full-time professional except on a weekend. As president, he has no business being on the course this often; although the bright side is that he causes less damage on the course than in the Oval Office.

  7. Damn, I have an excuse to call my buddy Bill. He’s my go to on all things golf and a dyed in the wool lib. Wonder how he will spin it? Not a Prog, he’s too smart for that but a lib none the less.
    Shit, it’s only 6 there, better wait some.

  8. 4.8% Unemployment
    NO Inflation
    Best Economy in Decades
    If you like your Doctor, you can keep your Doctor.
    Negligence and Carelessness.
    I learned it from the newspapers, just like you did …
    The police acted stupidly …
    If I had a son (have to be a butt-baby) …
    Not a smidgen of corruption in the IRS …
    Mr. Trump will never be the nominee …
    Never paid any attention to Rev. Wright’s harangues.
    &c., &c., &c.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Nah. President Hurtypants has a golf HC of 6. The six inches between his jug ears. I range between a 2 and scratch, and what little I’ve seen of his move on the ball, I guarantee he skulls it and shanks it 6 to 10 times a round. And then, he’s gotta putt.

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