Obama says he’s proud of saving the world from another great depression – IOTW Report

Obama says he’s proud of saving the world from another great depression

 WashingtonTimes: President Obama, during a town hall meeting Saturday with British students, took credit for saving the world economy from a great depression.


Speaking at the Royal Horticultural Halls in central London, the president said he likely wouldn’t have a full understanding of his legacy for another decade.

“I don’t think I’ll have a good sense of my legacy until 10 years from now, when I can look back with some perspective and get a sense of what worked and what didn’t,” Mr. Obama said, as reported by The Guardian.

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15 Comments on Obama says he’s proud of saving the world from another great depression

  1. “…he likely wouldn’t have a full understanding of his legacy for another decade.”

    Bullshit. He’ll be telling us all about his glorious legacy by Summer 2017, when his third autohagiography is published.

  2. barry is a one man wrecking crew and depression all rolled up into shiny socialist packaging. He’s done more than his fair share of depression which he’ll never take blame for or be assigned credit for depressing this country and the world ever since he became presidunce. I for one will be greatly elated when he takes his and mooches depressing presence elsewhere next January. Good bye and good riddance to the worst presidunce ever unless God forbid Lady McBeth is elected as the next and even more depressing and worse presidunce ever. God help us if that’s the case, I despise her more than I do barry.

  3. Oh he saved us from all kind of stuff. He stopped the oceans from rising, the sun from going supernova, alien attack, zombie plague and all kinds of stuff that didn’t happen. Just ask him.

  4. The boy should keep his mouth shut and not count his Legacy chickens just yet. 2016 isn’t nearly over, son.

    Hey, Obama, count the chickens your Voodoo Mother-In-Law sacrifices in Saturnalia ceremonies in the basement of the White House. 👿

  5. The Mocha Ozymandias.

    Shame he hasn’t a bunker …

    He and Reggie will ride off into the sunset to set up a tent together on Brokeback Mountain … near Sodomite Ridge …

    izlamo delenda est …

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