Obama Scolds Young People in His Rally Crowd That Are Not Hanging On His Every Word – IOTW Report

Obama Scolds Young People in His Rally Crowd That Are Not Hanging On His Every Word

49 Comments on Obama Scolds Young People in His Rally Crowd That Are Not Hanging On His Every Word

  1. It was not that long ago that people fainted at the sight of him, people clamored to touch the hands of those that touched him. Obama, you broke the one major rule of a personality cult leader: you relenquish power upon your assention to heaven. You should have Jim Jonesed yourself and your party when you had the chance. Now you will live to see everyone see you for the angry little miserable failure that you are.

    … Bwahahaha.

  2. Can Barry O be charged for causing the extinction of a word?
    Yea, you guessed the correct word – Folks!!.

    Folk used to be a pleasant useful word: Folk Tale, Folk Songs, Folk Art, etc. to describe nice things. Not so much anymore.

    After eight years of hearing the way the sob Barrack uses the word “Folks”, I pretty much can’t stand to hear the word any more.

    Especially when BHO says it. My bet is Barrack was a huge fan the show “Queer as Folk” [both the original UK and the US Showtime versions], and became addicked to using the word.

  3. Actually, Dianny, it’s not surprising that Obama slips into Southern dialect and uses y’all. Muslim goat herders in Southeast Kenya often use y’all. eg …

    Salaam aleyk Y’all; al hamdu Y’all; Y’all go in the safety of Allah; See y’all at Friday prayers; Y’all going to the stoning tomorrow?

  4. There he goes again. Pandering to a bunch of ignorant, dumbed-down, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, Birkenstock-wearing, bottled-water-drinking, kumbaya-singing, Xanax-disabled, Rainbow Plantation, COEXIST bumper-sticker, Leftist Liberal kids wandering aimlessly around in the haze of Politically Correctness and a big bunch of uninformed, self-absorbed, celebrity-obsessed, dope-smoking, free-shit-grabbing, media-influenced, Kool-Aid drinking, Food-Stamp wielding, Escalade driving, government-dependent, entitlement rich, busted-ass, short-attention span Lo Foz who won’t buy a belt and can’t process a sound bite over 10 seconds in length that doesn’t rhyme… and after the rally he’ll be selling bottles of his famous Hope & Change Snake Oil for an outrageous price Hillary would be jealous of!

  5. @Blink- “Can Barry O be charged for causing the extinction of a word?
    Yea, you guessed the correct word – Folks!!.”

    folks = volks
    “The German noun Volk translates to people, both uncountable in the sense of people as in a crowd, and countable (plural Völker) in the sense of a people as in an ethnic group or nation (compare the English term folk).”

    This is another concept he didn’t originate, but he’ll spread it.
    History repeats itself. It is interesting to see ‘folks’ creep into everyday language, especially political speeches. It is becoming quite popular in canada lately.

  6. I knew before he was elected that anyone who seals all his public records had nothing I wanted to hear. Obammy is click bait to me. He opens his mouth and I immediately click to “anything” that is not him, Demoncrats, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC.

  7. Now that I know how much it pisses him off, I want to get some people together and attend the next one of his rallys and get near the front and stay focused on our smart phones. With ear buds.

  8. It was always my fantasy during his presidency to build the laugh track audience. A bunch of people to laugh inappropriately during his heyday. He would have unraveled.

    “America is the greatest country on earth. Won’t you help me change it?”



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