Obama sending 350 more military personnel to Iraq – IOTW Report

Obama sending 350 more military personnel to Iraq


President Obama on Tuesday approved sending 350 additional U.S. military personnel to Iraq to protect American facilities in Baghdad, part of a White House attempt to limit Islamic State of Iraq and Syria gains in the embattled region.

“The president has made clear his commitment to doing whatever is required to provide the necessary security for U.S. personnel and facilities around the world,” said White House press secretary Josh Earnest, adding that the extra military personnel would not serve in a combat role.

“The request he approved today will allow some previously deployed military personnel to depart Iraq, while at the same time providing a more robust, sustainable security force for our personnel and facilities in Baghdad,” Earnest said.

With Obama’s latest action, 820 military members will be in Iraq for diplomatic security purposes, the Pentagon said. Of those military personnel, 405 will be dispatched to Baghdad.



9 Comments on Obama sending 350 more military personnel to Iraq

  1. Something to keep in mind…any time we send US Soldiers overseas, we also send a bunch of civilian contractors over to support them. There may be over 1000 troops in country, but there are likely a similar number of civilians going with them.

  2. Something to shield domestic lethargy since ’09. How tough is it to beat back cynicism since Poobah Obama has known about his muslim cheel-rin for over a year? It’s the same strategy ‘degrade and destroy’ that his tinpotship has tried against the GOP. But, unlike the GOP, these muslim cheel-rin don’t bend over and take it. Send them to Hell, I mean Allah. They do know that Allah used to be Allahenberg, right? NEXT!

  3. What are the Rules of Engagement? Shoot only if shot at? Are they to be issued bullets? Is there a Status of Forces Agreement? Will they be under Iraqi Law or UCMJ, should an incident occur?These are the questions that should be answered now. Imagine our troops spending years in an Iraqi jail for accidentally killing a fucking goat.

  4. “The president has made clear his commitment to doing whatever is required to provide the necessary security for U.S. personnel and facilities around the world,”

    Anyone that puts their life in the hands of Barack Obama is a fool living on borrowed time.

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