Obama senior official was caught doing upskirt pictures, but the info was quashed – IOTW Report

Obama senior official was caught doing upskirt pictures, but the info was quashed

A FOIA request uncovered the info.


Surveillance footage shows one of President Obama’s senior officials following a woman around a DC Metro station and taking a picture up her skirt with his cell phone. William Mendoza was the director of the White House Initiative on American Indian and Alaska Native Education under Obama The married father-of-three was caught carrying out the vile act on July 5, 2016. He pleaded guilty to attempted voyeurism and resigned from his job.

The video shows Mendoza following the woman in a skirt at Union Station Metro. Footage captures him trailing her onto the escalator with his cell phone in hand. Cameras then capture the cell phone flash as he puts the phone towards her skirt. He resigned, was convicted of attempted voyeurism and fined $100. Surveillance footage exclusively obtained by DailyMail.com shows one of President Obama’s senior officials following a woman around a DC Metro station and taking a picture up her skirt with his cell phone.

William Mendoza was caught on security cameras carrying out the vile act while he was executive director of the White House Initiative on American Indian and Alaska Native Education. As a result of his actions, the married father pleaded guilty to attempted voyeurism and resigned from his $140,000-a-year Department of Education post in Obama’s White House. His arrest and conviction were never made public until DailyMail.com acquired the report of the investigation and the footage through a Freedom of Information act request.

ht/ all too much

13 Comments on Obama senior official was caught doing upskirt pictures, but the info was quashed

  1. “No enemies on the Left.”

    They have no principles so there’s no way to compromise them.
    They have no morality, because they believe God doesn’t exist.
    Their alliances are cemented in crime (blood, in some cases – with the Clintons, for instance).
    None may leave the “Movement” without jeopardizing all.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I tried to give benefit of doubt thinking he may have moved his left arm low in front of him because he had taken his book bag off and set it on the steps in front of him, but he did not. The ride was too short and he has aiming low and under the girl’s skirt. You can see in the video that he’s left-handed and he did eye that girl before hand as he was stalling at the turnstiles.



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