Obama sent his former WH doctor a bitchy email after he questioned Joe Biden’s cognitive health – IOTW Report

Obama sent his former WH doctor a bitchy email after he questioned Joe Biden’s cognitive health


Mere weeks before the dogma of “trust the experts” was embraced to promote the COVID lockdowns, former President Barack Obama was evidently doing anything but in the name of political expediency in an email challenging a White House physician’s assessment of then-candidate Joe Biden as “unprofessional” and “disrespectful.”

Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas) served three sitting presidents with the White House Medical Unit, having joined during former President George W. Bush’s administration before serving as the physician to the president for Obama and former President Donald Trump.

Despite being eminently qualified to weigh in on the fitness of candidate Biden ahead of the 2020 presidential campaign, Jackson revealed in his upcoming memoir, “Holding the Line: A Lifetime of Defending Democracy and American Values,” that Obama excoriated the doctor in an email after he spoke out about Biden’s “crazy statements and concerning mental gaffes,” as reported by Fox News. MORE

12 Comments on Obama sent his former WH doctor a bitchy email after he questioned Joe Biden’s cognitive health

  1. So, Jackson was over-estimating Biden’s ability to “fuck things up” rather than “under-estimating” it, according to Obama? Apparently, Obomba thinks he has a monopoly on estimations.

    However, Mr. Ex-President, Jackson was correct. Do us all a favor and go swimming at your beach house and drown.

  2. Peggy is most likely too young, or not well read, and not familiar with keeping silent rather than opening one’s mouth or, in her case, her keyboard, and removing all doubt concerning her mental state / capabilities.

  3. You sick? Need to check yourself in maybe they need to put you on a ventilator. And he was a “Real” Nobel Peace Prize winner too. Not the fake noble type. That was a good laugh back when he said that, what a idiot.

  4. Your leader is calling. I need more money for my defense fund “Keep My Ass out of Prison” fund. Just like last time welfare cheats are welcomed. Fellow grifters, tax cheats as well as all felons your donations count! Send me your cash today at keepmyassoutofprison.com


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