Obama Spends Nights Away From Michelle and Family Alone in a Room – IOTW Report

Obama Spends Nights Away From Michelle and Family Alone in a Room

The NY Times thought they were writing a profile of the president that would paint him as a serious thinker who needs alone time to properly get his brain right after days filled with tough decision making.

Too bad we know he spends his days playing golf. So, nighttimes away from Michelle means he just spends his entire day separated from Moose.

The article even says he sometimes texts friends about sports and he plays video games with them.

NY Times-

Mr. Obama has dinner at 6:30 with his wife and daughters and then withdraws to the Treaty Room, his private office down the hall from his bedroom on the second floor of the White House residence.

There, his closest aides say, he spends four or five hours largely by himself.

He works on speeches. He reads the stack of briefing papers delivered at 8 p.m. by the staff secretary. He reads 10 letters from Americans chosen each day by his staff. “How can we allow private citizens to buy automatic weapons? They are weapons of war,” Liz O’Connor, a Connecticut middle school teacher, wrote in a letter Mr. Obama read on the night of June 13.


So, this precious time is spent reading idiotic letters from moronic citizens that think automatic weapons are legal?

I think the Obama marriage, one that was a sham from the start, is crumbling.

23 Comments on Obama Spends Nights Away From Michelle and Family Alone in a Room

  1. “He works on speeches. He reads the stack of briefing papers delivered at 8 p.m. by the staff secretary. He reads 10 letters from Americans chosen each day by his staff.”


  2. There’s not enough inner torment this POS could suffer for the living hell he has intentionally put 10s of millions of Americans through. I’m sure his mother-law is riding his ass too. That is one person on the down low, isn’t she? The press has given her a super wide berth, it’s like she’s not even there. Michelle probably got tired of his nightmares and kicked his sorry butt out.

    As far as I’m concerned he can spend the next 5 months playing golf and vacationing 24/7. Oh yeah, and studying briefing papers, you betcha.

  3. If he spends that much time on speeches you’d expect something more effective than duh duh duh okie doke. Let me guess he also is inundated with letters from people offended by the Red Skins name.

  4. @Anonymous: In addition to that “duh, duh” thing Buh-rock does, what about that supremely annoying hissing/whistling thingy? I swear it makes blood spurt from my eyes and ears. Cannot. Stand. It.

  5. Vixen, that whistling way he ends words with an ‘S’ are like ice picks in my brain.
    The only thing worse would be the eternal scolding voices of Hilary and Fauxahauntus

  6. So in all of these briefing papers and reports that he reads for hours not a word about the impending VA scandal or any of the others. He hears them from the papers like the rest of us? So his staff deliberately withholds information from him, obviously. What kind of CEO allows that to happen more than once before the staff member(s) are replaced? I always told my department heads and subordinates that I better hear bad news, no matter how bad, directly from them before I heard it from an outside source. The reprimand or punishment will always be worse.

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