Obama Suffering From Selective Amnesia – IOTW Report

Obama Suffering From Selective Amnesia


Declaring that Republicans never offered any ideas to improve his signature healthcare bill back in 2009, Barack Obama is claiming that he asked them back then for their input in a recent interview with Vox.

Kellyann Conway provided a quick rebuttal to this false claim on Fox News Friday night.


The President seems to have forgotten this “bi-partisan” meeting on February 25th, 2010 at the Blair house to review ideas for health care reform. 

Video part 1

Video part 2



19 Comments on Obama Suffering From Selective Amnesia

  1. Remember when he told the story about getting in a car wreck (that was his fault) and lamenting the fact that his liability only policy didn’t pay to replace his car? That’s why he thinks the government should run health care.

    Smartest president evah!

  2. seriously wondering if anyone dared to analyze this delusional fool’s mental state

    i think he is malade dans la tête

    he also has said that race relations have improved during his watch

    what planet is this guy on, or from

  3. NOW OBONGO is colluding with the Dhimmorats to block the confirmations of President Trump’s cabinet members, if they can. Such immaturity and mental disorder should render OBONBO and the Dhimmo leaders mentally unstable and remove from office under provisions of being incompetent. More than one way to kill off their rebellion.

  4. He can and does say anything because (a.) the Forth Estate acting as a willing Fifth Column for the DNC will not challenge him, and (b.) the average 0bama voter is too stupid to recall or even understand what happened Thursday, much less events that transpired earlier than a week before last Monday!

  5. We’ll always be there to remind Barack what a shitstain you are and the WORST president ever elected. Twice, even. But hey. Had Romney won there would not have been such a ghastly and vast exposure of the uniparty, the MSM, and the globalist elite. Sometimes you have to wade through the shit swamp to get to the jewels. Was it worth it? Well, A LOT of it was unnecessary. Leftist pricks. You like the pushback snowflakes?


  6. didn’t they say about Obama care-we have to pass it to know what’s in it? that’s like signing a blank paper and giving it to some conman. Read everything before you sign anything even if it takes a few days.
    But to them it had obamas name on it so that made it okay…

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