Obama Tells Cronies Flynn Case Collapse Threatens “Rule of Law” – IOTW Report

Obama Tells Cronies Flynn Case Collapse Threatens “Rule of Law”

Michael Isikoff for Yahoo News!

Former President Barack Obama, talking privately to ex-members of his administration, said Friday that the “rule of law is at risk” in the wake of what he called an unprecedented move by the Justice Department to drop charges against former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn.

In the same chat, a tape of which was obtained by Yahoo News, Obama also lashed out at the Trump administration’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic as “an absolute chaotic disaster.”

“The news over the last 24 hours I think has been somewhat downplayed — about the Justice Department dropping charges against Michael Flynn,” Obama said in a web talk with members of the Obama Alumni Association. More

33 Comments on Obama Tells Cronies Flynn Case Collapse Threatens “Rule of Law”

  1. This is just one part of a thread that Jonathan Turley posted in response to Obama talking about “no precedent”

    Jonathan Turley
    Replying to @JonathanTurley
    The Justice Department has dismissed cases in the past including the Stevens case.That was requested by President Obama’s own Attorney General Eric Holder for the same reason: misconduct by prosecutors. It was done before the same judge, Judge Sullivan. How is that for precedent?

    7:38 AM – May 9, 2020

  2. He should have remembered about that law shit when he was breaking it. Now, like Scarlet O’Hara he is worried, not because he’s accused but not guilty, but because he just got caught.
    Maybe making another Nitflex propaganda movie will get him off.

  3. Even though yahoo “news” is very left wing, practically every comment on this article is exclusively against obama and the dims. This seems pretty heartening to me that even commenters on yahoo news apparently have no interest in trying to defend obama any more – usually, pro obama comments would far outnumber those against him on this site.

  4. @Bubba’s Brother – I noticed the SAME exact thing.

    @John – Netflix will come to REGRET that business relationship, ‘watch’.

    @Tiger Eyes, Bite Me Barry and Answerman Cooper – Gen Flynn is just fine, he is with his GRANDSON, in a nice warm secure location right now…surrounded by the SEALS, BELIEVE ME, to quote the POTUS. He is probably the MOST gaurded person in the States right now…

    @Corky – saw that…haha!

  5. Democrat Strategy 101

    Whatever they accuse you of, they are guilty of.

    So they broke THE RULE OF LAW trying to frame someone, and if you don’t let them get away with it, THE RULE OF LAW is at risk.

    Since when do liberals EVER respect the rule of law? They hate America, its Constitution and laws.

    How about:
    ◾ Immigration? Does that law apply to them?
    ◾ Sanctuary cities?
    ◾ Gun laws. Do they respect them?
    ◾ Federal marijuana laws, blue states have voted to over turn federal laws they don’t like.

    Whatever law they don’t like, they ignore it, change it, make up their own replacement, or break it.

    The lawless don’t respect laws.

    Gotta secede from those people folks, their “logic” never makes any sense as it’s all based on situational morals. Whatever advances the party is moral.

  6. Who’s your daddy now Barry? That’s right, it ain’t Frank Marshall Davis anymore. or is it? Barack Obama the first gots skin tones to deny you entrance to Nairobi’s best golf course…..Who’s your daddy?……

  7. “…Former President Barack Obama, talking privately to ex-members of his administration, said Friday that the “rule of law is at risk…”

    What he really said was “the Legacy of the first Halfrican-American President is at risk…”

  8. msNPC reported it as a Private Conversation that was ‘leaked’ and how couragous this was to leak and then 40 run-on breathless sentences later he truthfully described it as a group chat with thousands of people in on the bitcoin lottery driven and produced private ‘phone’ call.

  9. From susan rice’s email to herself:
    “President Obama began the conversation by stressing his continued commitment to ensuring that every aspect of this issue is handled by the Intelligence and law enforcement communities “by the book”.”
    Which book susan?
    Certainly not the Constitution or the Bill of Rights…
    Maybe Rules For Radicals?
    Maybe The Communist Manifesto?
    Those seem more likely…

  10. That phone call was the most pathetic Obama ever. You could almost smell the desperation and Newports.

    Barky, you might want to make another stab at writing that book in Tahiti. Or is it hard to get out of country right now? I had ‘t thought of that. Damn.

  11. Does Obolo mean that sometimes they don’t go “by the book,” that’s how it sounds. He has all the phrases down pat so many he has to struggle to decide which one to use next.

  12. Up yours barry, you violated the rule of law and now it’s your turn to feel the sting of the law coming after your lying ass. The rule of the law should be the same for everybody and not just for arrogant pricks like you and your homies. And make sure that Valerie Jarrett, Susan Rice, hellary and lurch etc. all are with you when they bust you and haul you off to prison. You brought this on yourself, you arrogant prick and now it’s your turn to suffer the consequences of your lawlessness. I don’t have an iota of sympathy for you and the rest of the elite jerks who have served with you.

  13. The arrogance of this man never ceases to amaze me. I’m still bewildered how seven years after 911, a person who’s middle name is Hussein, gets elected not once but twice.

  14. Barry will be talking like this when and if he’s locked up for fraud and treason. He’ll dutifully play the victim of racism and cirumstance.

  15. Every word he speaks come from Lucifer his master. Just the words rule of law coming out of his sulfurous mouth is an abomination.

    He is personally responsible for the deaths of thousands of GI’s, I was there and I know. Why do you think so many senior leaders formed Q?

    PDJT was vetted and picked for his deep love of God, country, and Americans. There have been several attempts to murder him including a missile launch from a cabal submersible.

    I know I sound insane but those of us who understood the absolute corruption and control of the cabal are doing our best to wake America up.

    It’s so far beyond political power, we are talking the wholesale slaughter of humanity and sexual murder of children for their blood and adrenal glans.

    Our world belongs to Satan and the end times are near. Get right with God because he is coming with fury.


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