Obama, the sh!t-stirrer – IOTW Report

Obama, the sh!t-stirrer

AM- On his way out the door, President Obama is embracing his street organizer roots and encouraging protesters against Donald Trump’s presidency to not be silent.

Speaking to reporters in Berlin, Obama said, “One of the great things about our democracy is it expresses itself in all sorts of ways. And that includes people protesting.

“I’ve been the subject of protests during the course of my eight years. And I suspect that there’s not a president in our history that at some point hasn’t been subject to these protests.

“So I would not advise people would feel strongly or are concerned about some of the issues that have been raised during the course of the campaign, I wouldn’t advise them to be silent. What I would advise, what I advised before the election and what I will continue to advise after the election is that elections matter.”  more here

23 Comments on Obama, the sh!t-stirrer

  1. Ozero conflates lawful, peaceful protests against his policies with violent, destructive riots directed at a person.

    He never was confronted with the hatred and violence he is encouraging against Trump just for winning under the constitution.

  2. Democracy does express itself in all sorts of ways – like 2 terms for the most unqualified person elected to POTUS who was able to guilt a majority of the white population to vote for the first black President to prove they weren’t racist. Look how that has worked out – more divided than ever.
    I really hope Germany sends Merkel a big message in their next election.
    How pathetic too – Obama saying I hope Trump stands up to Russia. I’ve read he won’t even stay in a room with Putin alone. The guy publicly getting off the back of an airplane, being called a son of a whore and being laughed at openly by the Russia media wonders if Trump can handle the job. Good riddance!

  3. The more he rabble-rouses, the more people he pushes into Trump’s camp. Please REALLY whip them up three months before the next election, and every one after.

    What a fucking idiot. His tone deafness is only exceeded by his lack of self-awareness.

  4. Barry’s just getting started. His mission is to manipulate the stupid left, sabotage and undermine every policy of the Trump administration.
    Since Trump will be successful in making America great again, Barry will be humiliated and respond like a whining resentful prick.
    Trump has too be steadfast in implementing his campaign promises as soon as possible. It will make Barry’s interference less effective.

  5. First thing to do regarding Barky and Billy Jeff is to revoke Secret Service protection for all ex presidents, their staff and their families. Watch how fast Barky disappears down the rabbit hole. That pussy wouldn’t fight back on his own regardless of what the outcome. Big mouth, bigger hole between his thighs. Second thing, find and help eliminate Soros and sons. Confiscate the 249 billion dollars the old goat has taken from countries, and return for immeasurable good will. Work with the Russians on this.

  6. “So I would not advise people would feel strongly or are concerned about some of the issues that have been raised during the course of the campaign, I wouldn’t advise them to be silent. What I would advise, what I advised before the election and what I will continue to advise after the election is that elections matter.”

    That’s just what we need……advice from Barry. Can’t wait until 1/20/17.

  7. Obama and the Left have spent the past 8 years brainwashing people, especially school children, that Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter is “what democracy looks like.” The lesson Obama and the Left want their followers to learn with this loss is that elections don’t matter. The street is the only thing that matters.

    The founders quite tightly feared the chaos of a pure democracy and their fears were substantiated with the chaos, terror and bloodshed of the French revolution.

    I felt that Hillary and Obama gave up too soon and too easily. Perhaps this is their game plan? They win either way.

    My hope is that the American people will reject the street. I was encouraged that Obama was unsuccessful throughout his presidency in goading his opponents into violence. He craved a violent outburst from the Right, but the most he has been able to muster was a handful of left wing rabble, given free rein by Democrat DOJ, mayors and governors.

  8. ACParker – Hillary didn’t give up too quickly – she thought she had the election in the bag already and counting on major voter fraud. The reason she’s not contesting is because it would come to light just how many millions of those votes she got were illegal and non-countable, and lead back to her and her team.

  9. Perhaps, but the situation is no different than Gore v Bush. Then, the judiciary blocked the few Republican attempts at scrutinizing the vote, while allowing Democrats to cherry-pick a few counties that could swing a state to them. I doubt things would have been much different this time around.

    I don’t think the election results were a total surprise to the Democrats. I am pretty sure that they knew that Trump was trending strong as early as August, about the time they started putting out the Russian hacking rumors.

    They most definitely had a contingency plan, in the event that massive voter fraud was unable to swing the electoral college her way. Podesta was calling out the troops as Hillary made her concession speech.

    There was a disconnect in her camp. Maybe she was just suffering an Alzheimer moment and her minders were too preoccupied to stop her? The other possibility could be that she was throwing a wrench into the post-election plans, just to spite Obama and his people.

    I may be too cynical, but I will never trust any form of conciliation on the part of Democrats. It simply is not in their nature and, therefore, must be ploy.

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