Obama Ticks Off The FBI – IOTW Report

Obama Ticks Off The FBI

The President’s declaration during the 60 Minutes interview that Hillary’s server didn’t hurt national security has received blowback from the FBI.


Accusing Obama of “injecting politics” into an ongoing investigation and pointing out how others have faced criminal charges for doing a lot less, a number of members of the FBI community made it clear that they do not appreciate the President’s “leading from behind” in their investigation.


Catherine Herridge and Pamela Browne at FoxNews are reporting that the FBI are looking at pursuing Clinton on “gross negligence” provision of the Espionage Act and obstruction of justice.


Could it be that at least one government institution hasn’t been utterly corrupted?

7 Comments on Obama Ticks Off The FBI

  1. The FBI should charge obama with obstruction of justice and hindering an investigation. That would at least be a good start. They could start building a case for TREASON after that.

  2. The FBI is as corrupt as the IRS, CIA, NSA, DIA, and the DOJ.
    Has been since its inception.
    Forgot about those vaunted “FBI Labs” fabricating evidence?
    J. Edgar Hoover?
    Murders, assassinations, and cover-ups?


    They cannot indict HRC without implicating BHO. The evidence is in the servers and will never see the light of day.

    She, Obola, CIA, NSA, smuggled weapons seized from Iraq and stored in Libya to Mali and Syria through the moslem bros. Stevens got wind of it and was eliminated.
    Video my ass.

    Not gonna happen.

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