Obama to address nation’s growing opioid problem – IOTW Report

Obama to address nation’s growing opioid problem

obama eyes half closed

AP: The Obama administration will issue a proposed rule Tuesday that aims to increase medication-based treatment for tens of thousands of people addicted to opioids.

The proposed rule, along with a commitment from 60 medical schools to heighten training for prescribing opioids, will coincide with President Barack Obama’s visit to Atlanta where he will participate in a panel discussion moderated by Dr. Sanjay Gupta at the National Rx Drug Abuse & Heroin Summit.


19 Comments on Obama to address nation’s growing opioid problem

  1. Constitutional Law Scholar ? – nyet

    Expert on Recreational Drug Abuse – SI !

    No background check or transcripts required to know this one

  2. This is a huge issue, as deaths from drug use have more than doubled in the past 15 years. And more than half from prescription opioids. There is plenty of data showing that the War on Drugs (TM) is the problem rather than drug availability, the best being that the vast majority of GIs using heroin in Vietnam simply stopped once they returned to their families and a better environment. Steps do need to be taken, and the crony capitalism (i.e. government cronyism) supporting Big Pharma needs to be stopped.

    Naturally, although 0bama has shed light on the importance of the issue I lack any confidence that his recommendations will be the right ones.

  3. What a total crock of bullshit. The way the country’s going you need to be on drugs, or you’ll go stark raving mad!

    The FedGov needs to get out of the medicine business and get back to stealing from producers to give to those who don’t (and that includes the maggots in the FedGov).

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Atlanta is about fifty five miles from here. I can see the boiling purple cloud of rage and profanity on the horizon.

    Because when the Ruler is in motion, Atlanta has to stop. No helicopter for Him. Shutting down two major (I-75 & I-85) interstates right through the middle of the city is much more satisfying.

    I’ve been caught in exactly one of those by The Magic Negro. Didn’t know he was in town. Trucker next to me told me what was going on. I got out of the work truck with my camera, climbed up on the rear toolboxes and faced the rear. Just a frozen river of vehicles far as I could see. This was maybe a mile south of Grady hospital on the north bound side.

    I waved the camera around over my head and started waving both arms like a preacher does when he wants you to stand up. Had to have been over a thousand people got out of their cars and started waving and laughing.

    I gotta’ find those pics.

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