Obama Turns Menorah into Manureah – IOTW Report

Obama Turns Menorah into Manureah

This year Obama and staff decided to entrust the ceremonial lighting of the Menorah for Hanukkah to activist Susan Talve, “a member of the anti-Israel group T’ruah.


She took her opening and spewed every radical leftist talking point she  could plug in her allotted time. 

Never let a crisis or holiday ceremony pass without injecting politics at the Obama WH.




23 Comments on Obama Turns Menorah into Manureah

  1. I wish they would all stop with the “holiday” crap at the shithouse. That includes decorations, trees, egg nog, whatever.

    That goes for Republicans in the white house, too. Have your own private party at your own house on your own dime.

    The only time libs and progs aren’t upset about separation of church/state is when they’re getting attention to their causes or getting free food.

  2. Have to say one thing for that traitor son of a bitch — he’s consistent. Not a day goes by that I don’t hate that mother fucker** more than I did yesterday.

    ** I was going to use alternate symbols so as to not offend the ladies. But you would have know what I was trying to say anyway. I went light on the cocksucker, btw.

  3. Everything barry does turns into manure. He has the anti Midas touch, everything thing he touches turns into a large steaming pile of shit. What else is new! And the flies attracted to his face certainly don’t help things any, the flies know who their lord and master is, Beelzebub, it’s that obvious for anyone with an ounce of brains. Shit stinks and so does barry and all he stands for.

  4. They don’t. There’s a large possibility that they pay alot more in taxes (which go to Israel) than you or I do.

    Or, with “carry water”, what do you mean?
    I’ll gladly support Israel anyday over a fake-God/pedophile-prophet worshipping shitland.

  5. What is not mentioned is that the sons of bitches disrespected the Jewish religion by using the “menorah” displayed that had 9 lights instead of the correct 7. It must have come from g d America Rev. Wright’s church.

  6. I’ve seen this kind of no class behavior from Obama since he entered the WH. It always reminds me of the behavior of a smart-ass 16 year old smart aleck. The kind of thing that makes you want to punch them in the face. America deserves better.

  7. Tim, the Lord is not threatened by them. He keeps good records. He has promised never to leave us or forsake us. Sad to say, “the wicked shall be turned into hell” applies to them.

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