Obama Unilaterally Forces States to Fund Planned Parenthood – IOTW Report

Obama Unilaterally Forces States to Fund Planned Parenthood

LifeNews: Two leading female pro-life lawmakers are demanding answers this week after the Obama Administration sent them a “short form letter” that did not address their concerns about a new Planned Parenthood funding regulation.

The proposed rule, introduced in September by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), could prevent states from blocking Title X funding (federal tax dollars for family planning services) to abortion companies like Planned Parenthood. It essentially would prohibit states from defunding the abortion business.

U.S. Rep. Diane Black, R-Tennessee, and U.S. Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, quickly responded with a letter to HHS Secretary Sylvia Burwell that outlined their concerns about the proposed regulation. More than 100 pro-life Senators and Representatives cosigned the letter.

Earlier this month, Black and Ernst said they received a response that was not really a response at all. They said the Obama Administration sent them a “form letter” that did not address any of their concerns.

“Either Secretary Burwell and her staff know they cannot defend this blatantly political maneuver to prop up Planned Parenthood, or they don’t have enough respect for Congress to give the courtesy of a substantive reply,” Black told LifeNews in a statement.  read more

15 Comments on Obama Unilaterally Forces States to Fund Planned Parenthood

  1. YOU would think the congress members would realize by now to stop flapping their gums about anything Barky does.. He does not give a shit! I thought the Senate blocked any actions taken by this traitor Obarko.

  2. Hopefully, new headline soon; “Trump Unilaterally Free States to Defund Planned Parenthood – Largest Enfanticide Providers in the World”.
    OK, the last part is wishful thinking, but accurate.

  3. The thing is I can see funding for specific instances such as rape, incest or medical safety but those would be the only instances where government would be ponying up the dough for something that has a myriad ways to be prevented. This is just a dollars and sense view and doesn’t even take into account the morality (or lack thereof) of abortion. While we’re on the subject I still can’t figure out why the black community hasn’t cottoned on to realizing the Planned Parenthood organisation and its stablemates are keeping down black population to the point where they are now the third most numerous group after whites and hispanics.

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