Obamacare Bronze May Be Phased Out – IOTW Report

Obamacare Bronze May Be Phased Out

It appears that a number of unexpected issues may force insurers to transform their low-premium high deductible Bronze plans into higher premium Silver like plan.


You see insurers aren’t able to generate enough premiums from Bronze plans, that the young and health prefer, to pay for the cost of all the sick and unhealthy that have flocked to Obamacare.


Of course the higher the premiums go the more the young and healthy will just drop insurance altogether and pay both the Obamacare tax and out of pocket if they need medical care.



 So Obamacare will become what it always was in essences, a tax on the young and health.  They just tried to hide it with the Bronze plan.



6 Comments on Obamacare Bronze May Be Phased Out

  1. ObolaCare was never supposed to work.
    It is the intermezzo between freedom of medical choice and socialized medicine.
    It’s intention was to drive up the cost of insurance with a concomitant decrease in medical availability.

    “Insuring” a pre-existing condition is not insurance – it is subsidy. Nothing more, and certainly nothing less.

    Can the scrambled egg be unscrambled?

    Medical Savings Accounts are an ephemera – a means by which the gov’t attempts to dictate people’s personal proclivities and distributions (and take a huge cut, besides).

    A guy back at work had one, and if he didn’t use the money in a calender year the gov’t stole the money – it didn’t grow from one year to the next. Pure scam.

    How bout the gov’t get out of the insurance industry and just leave people the fuck alone?

    What a novel concept …

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Yes, Obamacare is much like Social Security, a tax that transfers wealth mostly from the younger/less affluent to the older/more affluent.
    There will come a point where the younger generation will rise up against the greed of their elders, and it likely won’t end well as they are being indoctrinated into Socialism.

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