ObamaCare Carrier Map For Next Year – IOTW Report

ObamaCare Carrier Map For Next Year

Roughly 40 counties won’t have an insurer offering an Obamacare plan next year, while well over 1,300 counties will be down to just one carrier. Citizens of South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Wyoming and Alaska will have an easy time picking an Obamacare provider next year, there will be only one in their states.



16 Comments on ObamaCare Carrier Map For Next Year

  1. I’ve been unemployed for 9 years, considering myself retired at this point at age 44. The only reason my wife works is because her employer offers health coverage. We would both be retired if we could come up with $1700/mo for family coverage. $1700 is more than we use in medical care during any given year. My wife refuses to go without coverage even though we are all healthy (no damn drugs either) and can enroll when we get the sickness.

    17 years ago I told her insurance and taxes are the only things we’ll be working for in the future. Ain’t it the truth.

  2. People living in 1300 counties will be able to pick whom ever they want. Only one will provide the very limited care they will receive under o’bugger care. He really needs to be arrested and confined until trial.

  3. It absolutely is time to remove the exemption from obamacare that congress enjoys! Make all those bastards live under the same laws and rules that they force on us!

  4. This would be a great opportunity for HHS to authorize “trial” plans in those areas. I would NOT go the insurance route, however. I’d opt for a direct care plan by doctors like the one Dr Umbehr in Wichita offers for $50 per month. http://tomwoods.com/capitalism-vs-american-health-care/

    A separate plan can be set up for hospital coverage with hospitals required to post prices publicly and not charge any individual more than they charge to Medicaid.

    Finally, it would be an easy thing to offer doctors tax breaks for treating folks who can’t pay their full fee (but pay SOMETHING).

    If these politicians were smart enough to find a way to call 20,000 members and staff of Congress a “small business” to get exempted from the black letter law requiring they be covered by Obamacare as any regular American, they can come up with a clever way to let the free market loose on providing health care without government intervention.

  5. Brad, it’s good to see that President Trump is looking at that. When you think about it, to allow congress to live under their own set of laws should cause a revolution among those of us that have to live under the law and play by the rules. Seems to me we around 240 years ago we fought a war to shake off the shackles of royalty.

  6. Health insurance? What’s that? Obamacare is so frickin’ complicated to understand and I’m not taking a dime from the government for ANYthing. I’ll pay out of pocket.

  7. Now that I’m looking, there is a few articles about Trump threatening to eliminate the exemption. Hell with threats, just go ahead and do it! That is the surest way to get some real action on this, and I would love to hear the whining and moaning from DC.

  8. This could be fun if we let Obamacare die and deal directly with the insurance companies.
    That would be giving Congress and the Senate exactly what they gave us. The finger! Why do we need the Government in our personal business and what is more personal than our health care?

  9. Bunch of crap.
    The real issue is why the hell is medical care so expensive?
    Tort reform first.
    Get Doctors out from under the punitive cost of malpractice insurance
    Then costs will come down, relieving stress in the market
    Subsidize emergency care.
    Start at the source.

  10. Just remember, it was senator ben nelson and the “Nebraska exception” that sold this shit out to the country.
    He was run out of the state by real Nebraskans. I hope he’s phucking dead.

    Now we’re stuck with phucking due nothing rinos.

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