ObamaCare Messaging to Devolve into Petty Threats – IOTW Report

ObamaCare Messaging to Devolve into Petty Threats


It would be hard to describe last year’s ObamaCare enrollment period as anything other than a disaster. It started with the hopelessly dysfunctional HealthCare.gov website. Then, when enrollment numbers fell consistently short of the administration’s projections, repeated extensions were necessary to achieve the desired final number. In light of this, one might think that there’s no way the 2015 enrollments go any worse.

Still, the supporters of ObamaCare are not going to leave anything to chance. They’re already lowering expectations by making statements about how difficult enrollments will be now that the low-hanging fruit (a rather artless metaphor for the uninsured) have already registered. They’re also working on their messaging strategy, convening focus groups to determine how best to get people to buy into a program that is, in all probability, against their self-interest.

Not out of place in an election cycle dominated by over the top, doom and gloom, end of the world proclamations, the administration is harking back to man’s most primal emotion, forged in the very earliest primordial darkness of human existence: fear.



7 Comments on ObamaCare Messaging to Devolve into Petty Threats

  1. It’s not about taking care of Americans, it’s about stealing Americans money and healthcare and giving it away to the rest of the world
    Why do you think they nearly immediately eliminated 2000 medical codes and last year put in 13,000 – notably, almost a dozen relating to injuries by crocodile?

    Will anybody ever be able to review the full set of medical codes… doubtful at best.

  2. One thing I’ve learned, or at least read, is that the fine can only be collected by deducting the amount owed from your tax refund. They cannot send you a bill or take the money from a bank account. To avoid paying the fine just adjust your monthly tax withholding so you either don’t have a refund or the refund is less than the fine. Besides,why give fed gov an interest free loan of your money all year.

  3. I wonder how many new codes they put in there that cover government induced depression and suicide?

    Speaking of suicide – I give Bathhouse Barry less that a year before either he takes his own life, or one of his low-info flunkies takes it for him. (just a hunch)

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