Obamacare Numbers Cruncher Suffers ‘Schindler’s List’ Mental Meltdown – IOTW Report

Obamacare Numbers Cruncher Suffers ‘Schindler’s List’ Mental Meltdown

NewsBusters: There have been many liberal mental meltdowns since Donald Trump’s election last week but few of them have approached the epic proportions of ObamaCare numbers cruncher Charles Gaba. Until he went over the edge, Gaba was known for quietly delving into the arcane statistics of ObamaCare for the past few years and posting them several times per week on his blog. Although he is a liberal, his dry numbers analysis of the failed program at least kept him out of trouble and his stats were often cited by reporters, such as Sarah Kliff of Vox, whose big shtick is ObamaCare.


That all changed with the election of Trump. His quick plunge into the completely unhinged began early on the first morning of the Trumpocalypse and culminated a few days later on Sunday when he gave full throttle his inner monster from the id resulting in posting a gruesome concentration camp scene from “Schindler’s List” implying that was the future of America under Trump. First let us join Gaba at 4:32 AM on November 9 when his ObamaCare stats obsession suddenly gave way to his descent into mental hell:

After yesterday’s atrocity, however…I’m honestly dreading the thought of what most of my charts, graphs, spreadsheets and blog entries are going to look like.

…Beyond that…it’s 4:30am. I’m exhausted, my stomach hurts and my hands are shaking.

God help us all.

Okay, he was a bit shaken up by the election results but not really any more than millions of other liberals. Even at 4:37 PM the same day, Gaba still seems to sort of be holding it together:

OK, so Mitch McConnell has now confirmed that yes, repealing the Affordable Care Act is indeed Priority 1 for the incoming 100% GOP-controlled Congress now that they know they’ll have President Trump (good God, I’ll never get used to writing that) ready to sign it with his big Sharpie.

Unfortunately, the next day, Thursday, at 1:11 PM, the wheels began really flying off  his mind:  more

15 Comments on Obamacare Numbers Cruncher Suffers ‘Schindler’s List’ Mental Meltdown

  1. “…Beyond that…it’s 4:30am. I’m exhausted, my stomach hurts and my hands are shaking.”

    Go get another shot of vodka, and a couple of hits off a joint, that will calm you back down. The swamp is being drained and you’re going down the hole.

  2. Of course he goes here, “…Arguments vary over whether Trump is, in his heart, a true fascist who’ll bring about a true Naziesque Hellscape (massive waves of deportations, imprisonment in internment camps, genocide, the whole works); “only” a dangerously unstable, unqualified grifter.”

    Hey, great choice, either a madman or a crazy madman.

    He should learn to come in out of hail storms, those suckers obviously can do some serious damage.

  3. Hmm, maybe someone should call the authorities to do a welfare check on this fellow. It does seem that his postings are getting increasingly frantic and out of touch and could be a sign that he could start thinking about hurting himself. Perhaps a 72 hour psychiatric hold would be in order so that he can be assessed by medical professionals. Hey, a lithium drip couldn’t hurt and would help him calm down.

  4. I don’t want to be a pinhead no more
    i just met a nurse that I could go for
    I don’t wanna be a pinhead no more
    I just met a nurse that I could go for

    D-U-M-B everyones accusing me
    D-U-M-B everyones accusing me

    I don’t want to be a pinhead no more
    i just met a nurse that I could go for
    I don’t wanna be a pinhead no more
    I just met a nurse that I could go for

    Gabba Gabba Hey..

  5. Liberal Progs are sick. Remember “Americans are Stupid” Jonathon Gruber? One of the GREAT architects of Obamacare? He was on Maria Bartiromo’s show the other day–must be on YTube by now–and yeah, she let him have it (never have seen Maria so angry!)

  6. WOW! This is like being a fly on the wall in the Fuhrer Bunker during those final days as the Soviets closed in. I won’t be surprised is some don’t “SYLB” (Swallow Your Last Bullet)

  7. “Today is history. Today will be remembered. Years from now the young will ask with wonder about this day. Today is history and you are part of it.”

    — Amon Goeth, Schindler’s List

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