Obama’s AG pick gains another Republican backer – IOTW Report

Obama’s AG pick gains another Republican backer

loretta lynch

…”I am confident from my conversation with Loretta Lynch that she will be a valuable partner in confronting the gang violence that is robbing families of their children every day in Chicago,” Kirk, a senator from Illinois, said in a statement. more

17 Comments on Obama’s AG pick gains another Republican backer

  1. >> confronting the gang violence

    Maybe if the congressional districts that make up the chicagoland area weren’t so heavily steeped in race, violence, and vote grabbing by nature, the gangs wouldn’t be so well supported by corrupt politicians who redraw the districts for their self advantage, at the cost of “families being robbed of their children.” Fucking pricks.

  2. Funny that, since that Repub senator has an F score on Conservative Review.

    While I’m at it, are we sure this is a woman? With a change in hairdo, I see Denzel Washington.

  3. Considering the 0bama regime’s predisposition to Critical Race Theory — aka bigotry– I assume “confronting gang violence” is Newspeak for altering current law so certain people don’t get punished (like Trayvon Martin not being investigated for having stolen property in his HS locker), onerous gun regulations for non-criminals, more contrived Alinskyesque race riots and continued governmental corruption as with IRS targeting ideological opponents.

    Similar to how “women’s health care” is code for abortion

  4. another political operative who should be in jail being enabled to continue her lawlessness against the citizens of the usa by our “elected” representatives?

    I am so glad that the voting booth worked like it should and has every time we use it, when we elected republicans to control the house and senate to stop the democrat lawlessness.

    how many times have we voted in opposition politicians who said one thing and when in office did the opposite?

    every time?

    our continuing to believe that voting in the opposition will stop any of this is the definition of insanity.

    you and I know this will not stop until we stop complaining behind the keyboard and physically move to stop it ourselves.

  5. “There ain’t a dime’s worth of difference between the Republican and Demonrat Parties.”

    (Geo. Wallace)

    Loretta Lynch is Eric Holder in drag. Another sick, racist, divisive, socialist, contemptible POS who hates America and shreds the Constitution.

    Any senator who supports her is the same.

  6. Seriously – how is she going to protect children from gangs? So what she’s really telling us is that nobody ever tried to protect children from gang violence ever before? And how does this mesh with the DOJ’s moratorium on prosecuting black teens?

  7. “Kirk is not a republican, he’s a progressive who sides with the democrats 93.4% of the time.”

    He is a republican. What he is not is a conservative.

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