Another attempt: DHS wants access to license-plate tracking system – IOTW Report

Another attempt: DHS wants access to license-plate tracking system

WaPo-The Department of Homeland Security is seeking bids from companies able to provide law enforcement officials with access to a national license-plate tracking system — a year after canceling a similar solicitation over privacy issues.

The reversal comes after officials said they had determined they could address concerns raised by civil liberties advocates and lawmakers about the prospect of the department’s gaining widespread access, without warrants, to a system that holds billions of records that reveal drivers’ whereabouts.

In a privacy impact assessment issued Thursday, the DHS says that it is not seeking to build a national database or contribute data to an existing system.  more here

9 Comments on Another attempt: DHS wants access to license-plate tracking system

  1. In Ohio, your CHL (concealed handgun license) is tied to your car’s license plate, so cops that stop you know you’re carrying. Just what we need for DHS to know.

  2. Same in Illinois, the cops know who is carrying when they run a plate. This has lead to some discussion about registering vehicles to a trust.

    I predict as more and more become aware of the implications of a relational database and all the stuff they own and use. Blind Trusts will become more and more prevalent.

  3. norm, it won’t be long now.

    my question is why will we let them do it?
    is the final 4 on or something important like dws?

    if the nsa has all our e-mails, why can’t they turn over hillary’s?
    either they have them or they don’t, what’s going on here?

    I don’t trust any thing any more.

  4. Mr. Mxyzptlk, in some states, in the name of “Public Safety” this information is for sale to the highest bidder. In other, fairer states, it’s for sale at a fixed price.

    The reversal comes after officials said they had determined they could address concerns raised by civil liberties advocates and lawmakers about the prospect of the department’s gaining widespread access, without warrants, to a system that holds billions of records that reveal drivers’ whereabouts.

    Let me translate that for you: “Shut the fuck up, peasant!”

  5. Anybody who doesn’t see the potential for authoritarian abuse of this capability isn’t fit to be allowed out in public without a chaperone, much less paid to endorse and encourage such outrageous govt overkill.

    I don’t believe that lie about avoiding any of those privacy and civil liberties concerns, either. This is a huge incremental step towards 24x365xLifeExpectancy surveillance by Big Bro.

  6. We tolerate it.
    We allow it.

    We, the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for a common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

    WHY? Why are we giving it away?

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