Obama’s America – IOTW Report

Obama’s America


I’m rerunning a piece I did awhile ago, despite the fact that I had to do battle, at the time, with abject morons who objected that I had Cruz “standing on the American flag.”

It didn’t matter to the mouthbreathers that Cruz is standing on “The Obama Flag,”imgresNOT the American flag.

It didn’t matter that the image is an obvious parody of the iconic image of communist Bill Ayers standing on an actual American flag.imgres-1

Like I said, despite the dummies that try to dissuade artists from producing effective agitprop with lunkheaded and misguided objections, I’m rerunning this in honor of Ted Cruz, who says he will undo as much of the Obama agenda on day 1 as he can.


35 Comments on Obama’s America

  1. I missed the original piece, but seeing the “Obama flag” reminds me just how far around the bend many in this country have gone. This country was founded on the back of a revolution that promoted the idea of laws over men and kings, and despite the horrible, blood-splattered history of countries that have fallen under the sway of a man, there are countless voting morons who actually think elevating this temporary public servant to a level where his image could and should replace the US flag (and all it symbolizes) is not only a good idea, but something that should be celebrated.

    I support Senator Cruz, and see the point of image (even if I believe there are too many images with loaded meanings clouding the intent of the artist), but the more horrifying concept to me is that there are people out there who think so little of the US flag (and more importantly what it symbolizes) that they destroyed it to create a emblem for their cult of personality.

  2. I got it right away and it’s good BFH. So on Reagan’s day 1, the Iranian hostages were freed. On Cruz’s day 1, the middle class will be freed from Obama’s policies.





  4. Conservative Treehouse said the GOP had “fixed it” so Jeb would be the nominee. Mebbe, we don’t give them so much credence in the future? No offense to them, but infallibility is a human trait and my tendency is always to run straight away from the strident “We do it MY WAY or we’re DONE!” kinda stuff.

    Just sayin’.

  5. My first reaction is “Dude….Cruz would never do that!” Now that you explain it, I get what you are saying and appreciate it, but if you have to explain it for people to understand it, the art didn’t work.

    What did I say on this the first time you posted it?

  6. IMO, Cruz standing on the red and white stripes of the American flag (even doctored) takes away from the message. OTOH, an all red hammer and sickle flag would hit the bulls eye.

  7. “If it has to be explained, it is not art.” Everything has to be explained to the LoFos born in the sixties. Why, even Obama said the Japs dropped a bomb on Pearl Harbor. Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn are well known to me. The photo of Ayers standing on Old Glory appeared in the NYTimes (I believe) on 9/11/2001, the day the Towers came down. Ayers had an OpEd piece bragging that he did not blow up enough buildings. Six years
    later he’s helping Obama become President. The rest is history.

  8. Cruz would certainly stand on the Obama flag! I was just saying that my first reaction was that Cruz would not do that (to the American Flag).

    Perhaps the knee jerk reaction is intentional? One must get pissed first and then understand the intent of the agitprop? I see that point as well.

  9. BOOM; Some history lesson tonight, huh? I love levintv.com. I hope it keeps going. I knew he was a Cruzer. I’m still in for Trump/Cruz or Cruz/ Trump. Either one can start the ball rolling against these Goddamn commies.

  10. To all my iOTW friends over the years past. I am signing off.
    You have made it very clear that Trump supporters are not welcome here. No hard feelings it’s just the way it is.
    See you on the back side. Good Luck.

  11. Geoff C. The Saltine , don’t go, man. Most people here will be ready to vote for trump if he is in the lead when that time comes.
    Don’t take it so personal, I’ve felt the same way after getting flack from hard core Trump supporters. Just take a short break. Nobody is trying to run you off. Honestly.

  12. Unruly. He is in the lead and next week he will be the clear leader after he takes, ah who cares Cruz is all we need. I have been here since 09 or 10 and I have never felt more unwelcome. Thanks for the kind words.

  13. Don’t sweat it Geoff, it will pass. There is a lot of emotion in this race because of what’s at stake. We are all going to need each other to pull through – and that includes your help too. Sleep on it and give it another shot, you’ll see.

  14. Geoff, I know how you feel. However, we will see if the “Cruzers” will back Trump when the shit comes down. Hillary should be the enemy, but I will NEVER vote for the husband of a Council on Foreign Relations operative who favors a North American Union, or a stooge that works for Goldman Sachs. NEVER!

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