Obama’s “Clean Power Plan” Getting Gutted – IOTW Report

Obama’s “Clean Power Plan” Getting Gutted

The Trump era EPA has been reviewing the Obama era “Clean Power Plan” and is expected to rewrite the plan to return control over power plant emissions back to the individual states. More 

5 Comments on Obama’s “Clean Power Plan” Getting Gutted

  1. “return control over power plant emissions back to the individual states”

    Gee, like it says in the Constitution?

    Have I said lately how thankful I am to God for President Trump?

    Well, thank you, God!

    Edit: Do I have to say that I didn’t mean the Constitution has rules about power plant emissions? There you go.

  2. You’ll all be sorry when globull warming fries you to a crisp. I mean when all the polar bears are gone. I mean when there’s no more snow, ever. I mean when the oceans cover the earth. (sarc)

  3. Here’s my power plan. Build a small Thorium molten salt reactor underground near every small city. Several for larger cities. Bunker Style. Bury all power lines. Cane all Eco-Nazi Libstains. Enjoy. If more joy is needed, cane the Libstains again.


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