Obama’s DOJ Settlement-Funded “Slush Fund” – IOTW Report

Obama’s DOJ Settlement-Funded “Slush Fund”

While Barack Obama’s former Chief of Staff Ram Emanuel is famous for never let a good crisis go to waste, it appears the Obama Justice Department felt the same way about billions in settlement money. Records indicate that large sums were turned over to the Justice Department as part of the cases against big banks and Volkswagen, which then awarded the penalty money to leftist groups, exclusively.


What an amazing country we live in. Despite having the IRS trying to handicap Tea Party Groups and the Obama DOJ showering money on their favored leftist activists, the Democrats still lost control of congress and a number of state houses.

8 Comments on Obama’s DOJ Settlement-Funded “Slush Fund”

  1. it always amazed me that Barky had a stash so big that he could get hundreds of billions to hand over to Iran, yet Trump can’t get 20 billion for a wall

    ‘effin’ Swamp!

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