Obama’s ‘Greatest’ Speeches Have Been Collected in One Book. Here’s a Brutally Honest Assessment – IOTW Report

Obama’s ‘Greatest’ Speeches Have Been Collected in One Book. Here’s a Brutally Honest Assessment

[…] We Are the Change We Seek is a volume of Barack Obama’s speeches that appeared a week after Donald Trump took the Oath of Office. Its editors, E.J. Dionne and Joy-Ann Reid, set up our expectations very early—on the book’s first full page, in fact—when, after having compared him to Lincoln and FDR, they quote Obama responding to a compliment from Harry Reid, who had called one of his speeches “phenomenal.”

“I have a gift, Harry,” Obama replied.

More than 12 years after that evening in Boston, it is worth asking what exactly that gift is. Certainly a great deal of what Obama said—to say nothing of what he did—now looks pretty thin. It is hard not to think that with the DNC speech, and the two memoirs of which it is essentially a distillation, he more or less exhausted his major themes.

The rest is here 

34 Comments on Obama’s ‘Greatest’ Speeches Have Been Collected in One Book. Here’s a Brutally Honest Assessment

  1. I’m not sure Amazon will post my review, but just in case

    “I find the ultra soft & strong Quilted Northern more enjoyable. Not only was this product harsh and scratchy it was non absorbent and difficult to read as it swirled towards its rightful place in my permanent liberal of all of Obama’s works. I hope the memoir, for which Penguin Random House paid upwards of $65 million is printed on better paper.”

  2. @Dr Tar
    Ha – I posted a similar review:
    “Charmin is better! I found Audacity of Hope to be a better book. It wiped cleaner. Now my anus is chafed.”
    I used “Al Sharpton” as my public name.

  3. His most memorable speech, to me, was when, though exhausted after
    visiting all fifty seven states, with two to go, he mesmerized the folks with the story of a kid with asthma who needed a breathalyzer, or something. That was a hum-dinger.

  4. Amazon bounced my review:
    Thanks for submitting a customer review on Amazon. Your review could not be posted to the website in its current form. While we appreciate your time and comments, reviews must adhere to the following guidelines…..

  5. If if if if if if if if if ….. the imbecile is a phony, stuttering, braindead, incompetent, pinhead, shallow, flimflammer The first time I saw this clown I had him pegged in about 15 seconds. Good grief I thought, where did this most recent affirmative action ligthweight dumbass BS artist come from? President? What was is that P.T. Barnum said about estimates of the “intelligence” of the American people? MORONS

  6. And don’t forget his most recent hit, from the last days of the 2016 campaign in North Carolina:

    “Hold on…hold on…..hold on, folks…HOLD ON…LOOK AT ME!!!”

  7. “Obama’s ‘Greatest’ Speeches Have Been Collected in One Book”

    that’s got to be one short book …. Dr. Seuss probably, on average, has longer tomes

  8. Our world consist of nothing but dum assholes and opinionaited ungrateful never giving a dam but to hear them selves. For those who in the hell gives a shit. At least he made a change for some. What has any of you done. Any words back on this believe me will sound like, Bla, bla, bla,bla bla.

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